Johnson County Fair

The Housing Action Team of Johnson County's Livable Community's Policy Board and the Johnson County Affordable Housing Coalition will be hosting a booth at the Johnson County Fair! Our booth will provide information about both groups, and we will also have jumbo Legos and regular sized Legos for children to interact with. We will not be hosting a competition with the Legos this year, but rather just letting children play. We will be in Building C (air conditioned!), booth #37.

What is a livable community?

Johnson County is a livable community that offers:

  •     health and supportive services
  •     transportation and mobility options
  •     affordable and appropriate housing
  •     community and economic development
  •     cultural, volunteer, life-long learning and employment opportunities and
  •     public safety

Together these attributes facilitate personal independence and the engagement of residents in civic and social life.

A livable community is where everyone can age successfully, which is defined as living as vital a life as possible with the opportunity to flourish in the community. Successful aging is characterized by:

  •     supportive relationships with family and friends
  •     optimal mental and physical health
  •     community involvement
  •     new learning experiences
  •     a sense of purpose and meaning of life

Policy Board agendas and minutes