UPDATE 02/14/2025
The Johnson County Administration Building reopened in August of 2024 following the completion of remodel construction.
Soon after, work began on the 3rd Floor of the Health & Human Services Building. The Board of Supervisors will be moving into new offices on the 3rd Floor on March 5, with public Board of Supervisors' meetings to be held in a new boardroom in Spring 2025.
Follow Johnson County's social media (Twitter, Facebook) for quick access to specific updates and timelines.
- What is the Remodel?
The Johnson County Administration Building and Health & Human Services Building are scheduled for major upgrades. The changes will prepare Johnson County to provide higher-quality services to county residents for decades to come.
These changes include:
The remodel of the main Johnson County campus is born out of the following core values:
Core Values:
1. Safety and Wellness
The remodel will better enable Johnson County employees and visitors to respond to a variety of dangers, both human and natural while promoting physical and mental health for all.
2. Equity and Accessibility
The remodel will make the Johnson County campus more accessible and welcoming to all residents and employees, including those with disabilities and unique needs.
3. Resiliency and Productivity
The remodel will empower Johnson County employees to be more resilient in times of crisis and to serve the public in more efficient and creative ways through technological and spatial upgrades.
- Projected Project Timeline
Project development timeline to date:
August 14, 2019 - The Johnson County Board of Supervisors contracted with OPN Architects to complete a Space Needs Analysis of the Administration and Health & Human Services Buildings.
January 15, 2020 - OPN Architects presented the results of their Space Needs Analysis to the Board of Supervisors. Following this, they began the process of designing updates to the county campus. This included dozens of input sessions with county departments/offices.
May 11 + September 7, 2022 - OPN Architects presented project design, timeline, and cost estimate updates to the Board of Supervisors.
December 2022 - The Board of Supervisors began seeking recommendations for project cost savings due to budgetary concerns.
March 22, 2023 - OPN presented project cost savings options to the Board of Supervisors for consideration.
May 17, 2023 - OPN presented construction documents to the Board. These documents are utilized in the bidding process.
June 1, 2023 - The Board of Supervisors puts the project out to bid.
July 19, 2023 - The Board of Supervisors discussed bid results.
July 27, 2023 - The Board of Supervisors awarded and authorized the execution of a contract with McComas-Lacina Construction in the amount of $7,352,000 for the Administration and Health & Human Services Buildings Remodeling Project.
November 30, 2023 - The Johnson County Administration Building closes. Construction begins.
August 19, 2024 - The Johnson County Administration Building opens, with departments relocated during remodel construction moving back in phases throughout August and September.
March 5, 2025 - The Board of Supervisors Office moves into the newly remodeled 3rd Floor of the Health & Human Services Building.Phases Explained:
Phase 0:
Phase 0 encompasses the preparation of the "Swing Space" on HHS Floor 3. This space will hold temporary workspaces for departments moved during construction.
Phase 1:
Phase 1 encompasses all remodel work being done on Administration Building Floors 1 and 2.
Phase 2:
Phase 2 encompasses all remodel work being done on Health & Human Services Building Floor 3.
- Renderings
A comparison view of the final result and early renders of the Administration Building remodel.
- Financial Information
Project cost:
Throughout the project development phase, OPN Architects have presented estimates of project costs. These estimates were never legally binding nor meant to be considered final, but simply provided the best available information to the Board to help guide decision-making.
January 2020:
OPN Architects estimated the project to cost $15,229,605 based on the project scope and economic factors at that time.
May 2022:
OPN Architects estimated the project to cost $28,830,641 based on the project scope and economic factors at that time.
December 2022:
The Board of Supervisors requested that OPN Architects scale back the project to reduce cost.
March 2023:
OPN Architects estimated the newly scaled-down project to cost $11,021,191 and provided a list of additional cost-saving measures. If pursued by the Board, these measures would bring the estimate down to $9,193,204.
May 2023:
OPN Architects updated the estimated project cost to $10,247,932 in a presentation to the Board of Supervisors on May 17, 2023.
July 2023:
The Board of Supervisors awarded and authorized the execution of a contract with McComas-Lacina Construction in the amount of $7,352,000 for the Administration and Health & Human Services Buildings Remodeling Project.
How will this be paid for?
The remodel will be paid for through a combination of General Funds and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Taxes will not be raised for the purpose of funding this project.