Jay W Hansen
Vietnam 1969-1970

Jay Hansen kneeling in front of a Air Force plane in uniform


Jay Hansen about to go into a plane in his Air Force gear


Ranking Oregon State University Air Force ROTC cadet (Cadet Col) '64-'65. After commissioning, flew the T-41, T-37, and the supersonic T-38 in pilot training at Williams AFB, AZ. Flew the 4-engine C-124 out of Dover AFB, DE to Europe, Asia, Africa, the Arctic Circle, Southeast Asia, and Japan '67-'68. Trained in the TH-1F and HH-43F rescue helicopters at Shepard AFB, TX. Flew rescues in the HH-43F at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base in Vietnam '69-'70. After Vietnam flew rescue missions in the HH-43F in the mountains of Arizona '70-'72. As a flight examiner and instructor pilot, taught other Air Force pilots to fly the HH-43F at Hill AFB '72-'74. Served as Operations Officer and Support Officer for the USAF Recruiting Service in Seattle '74-'78. Established an applicant testing process that was recognized by the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was subsequently adopted by all Armed Service. Returning to flying training, I was the chief UH-1N (twin-engine Huey) pilot at the USAF helicopter school at Kirtland AFB, NM '78-'87. Founded the tactics school for all crew positions for all Air Force helicopter and HC-130 aircraft. The scope of the school was expanded and transferred to Nellis AFB, NV for the training of all crew members in the Military Airlift Command.

Medals earned: Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal w/ 2 Oakleaf Clusters, & Air Force Commendation Medal



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