Total Voters 1686  
Hillary Clinton (D) 854 57.2%
Donald Trump (R ) 411 27.5%
Jill Stein (G) 92 6.2%
Gary Johnson (L) 135 9.0%
Animal 189 11.54%
Big Bird 101 6.17%
Cookie Monster 392 23.93%
Elmo 165 10.07%
Fozzie Bear 83 5.07%
Gonzo 33 2.01%
Grover 62 3.79%
Kermit The Frog 235 14.35%
Miss Piggy 247 15.08%
Oscar The Grouch 131 8.00%


In this year’s Johnson County Fair mock election, hosted by the Johnson County Auditor’s Office, voters of all ages could choose their favorite Muppet. Mock election voting was open 10 AM to 8 PM, Monday, July 25 through Thursday, July 28 in Building B at the Johnson County Fairgrounds.


The Auditor’s Office has hosted mock elections at the county fair since 1999. Everyone attending the fair, including kids, could see and use real voting booths and machines. Last year, 1303 people voted for superheroes and presidential candidates.