New Precinct Lookup

Precinct Lookup

Approved Maps

See our polling place list page for individual precinct maps.

Countywide Map 

Iowa City will have 27 precincts, an increase from 24 precincts.

Iowa City Approved Map
Iowa City Map with Council Districts

Coralville will have eight precincts, an increase from seven precincts.

Coralville Approved Map

North Liberty approved a plan with eight precincts, an increase from six precincts.

North Liberty Approved Map

Tiffin has historically been one precinct, but population growth required at least two precincts.

Tiffin Approved Map (Precinct 1 is labeled D50 and Precinct 2 is labeled D51.)

Rural Johnson County (including smaller cities): There will be 19 total rural and small city precincts, no net change from last decade. On December 15 the Board of Supervisors approved the following rural precinct changes and combinations:

  • Madison Township will now be its own precinct and will no longer be combined with a North Liberty precinct.  This change was required due to a legislative district line.
  • The City of Hills will now be part of a combined precinct with Liberty and Pleasant Valley townships. Hills is no longer split from the surrounding townships by a legislative district line.
  • East Lucas North is no longer split from Iowa City by a legislative district line and will be combined with Iowa City Precinct 22 instead of Penn Township.
  • East Lucas Southwest will still be combined with Iowa City Precinct 10.
  • East Lucas Southeast will be combined with the new Iowa City Precinct 15.
  • Rural Clear Creek township will be combined with Tiffin Precinct 1.
Background on Redistricting and Reprecincting

Following each census and redistricting, cities and counties are required to review and redraw precinct boundaries. New precincts took effect January 15, 2022. Johnson County will have 64 precincts for the next ten years, an increase from 57 in the last decade.

The first county-wide election with new precincts was the June 7, 2022 Primary Election.

The Auditor's Office worked closely with cities and the Board to produce draft plans. Final decisions on new precincts were made by city councils and, for rural Johnson County, by the Board of Supervisors.

Precincts may not have a census population greater than 3,500, and cannot cross legislative district lines. The following old precincts were over the population limit:

  • Iowa City 5, 7, 11, 12 and 24
  • Coralville 1
  • North Liberty 3 and 6
  • City of Tiffin
Information on legislative redistricting at Iowa Legislature site