Dave Jacoby (Democrat) 2001 (71%)
Jack Young (Republican) 819 (29%)
write in 4

Reg. Voters: 18,136
Total Voters: 2,824
Turnout: 15.57%
Early Voters: 804
% of vote cast early: 28.5%

Precinct Results


Early Voting Statistics


On May 1, 2003, Rep. Dick Myers (D-Iowa City) announced his resignation from the House District 30 seat effective July 1, 2003.  A special election was required to fill the remainder of the term (through December 31, 2004).

The special election date was determined by Governor Vilsack, as specified by law (Iowa Code 69.14). By law the election could not be combined with the September 9 school election or the October 7 Iowa City primary.

Political party nominations are determined by a special convention of the party precinct committee members whose precincts lie within the district (Iowa Code 43.78 c).  The Republican convention was held June 9, 2003; Democrats held their convention on July 2, 2003. Other candidates would have been able to file through the nomination by petition process (50 signatures required) until the filing deadline of August 1, 2003..