For a full listing of each season's events, please visit:

Education Events

Great Yeti Hunt

A graphic with blue background and an illustration of a yeti figure with the text Great Yeti Hunt in bold.

Clue 1 (Jan 13 - 26):

 At a long dead end, she waits, in one of JCC's oldest parks, named for a local hamlet, a place where cattle once roamed.

Clue 2 (Jan 27 - 8 AM, Feb 10)

She draws you to a quiet spot in this crown jewel. Seek a dead end near scout’s domain where she waits under an oak.

Clue 3 (Feb 10 - 8 AM, Feb 25)

Over cool bridges and through the woods, the yeti waits in the shade. Seek yet another dead end, where frogs peep in spring, and find her in a small glade.

Tips: Watch the thorns! You won't go through any, but they like to reach from the sides. And if the ground isn't frozen, don't wear your favorite shoes.

Clue 4 (Feb 25 -  8 AM, March 10)

Tick-tock tick-tock, meet the yeti at the clock.

p.s. it’s mud season! Bring some extra shoes. 😊



About the Great Yeti Hunt:

A yeti is hiding in a county park near you!

Decipher clues for the park and location within the park that you think the yeti is hiding. Then, head out on a winter hike to find her! Snap a photo with her each time you find her, and submit photos to [email protected]. Each time you find her at a different park counts as a point, and a weighted drawing will be done at the end. More discoveries, more chances to win. What do you win? Glory. And a free night of camping (woo!).

The yeti's new hiding spots will be revealed on January 13, January 26, February 10, and February 25.

The time period to find the yeti at each stop are:
January 13, 3:00 PM - January 26, 9:00 AM.
January 26, 7:00 PM - February 10, 8:00 AM
February 10, 3:00 PM - February 25, 8:00 AM
February 25, 3:00 PM - March 10, 8:00 AM

Use our collection of park guides to help you solve the clues to the parks the yeti is hiding in (hint, the selected parks will be large enough to fit in a hike of at least 1/2 mile one-way):

Use the map on each guide to help you pinpoint where the yeti may be within the park.

Clues will be posted to on this webpage and on Facebook and Instagram.