TUESDAY, JULY, 21 2020 9AM-10AM

Via Zoom Meeting


Members Present:  Maysa Ahmed, Donna Brooks, Keshia Fields, John Hannaford, Mike Hensch, Camie Marshek, Laurie Nash, Annie Nugent, Lynn Rose, Heather Sanderson, Lora Shramek, Emily Way, and Kelly Weston,   

Introductions & Ice Breaker:  What is one of your greatest achievements?

Approval of Minutes:  Approved June 16, 2020 minutes

Budget:  $170.00 left in FY20 budget. $1,003.12 spent, $11,996.88 left in FY21 budget

D&I Committee Strategic Plan and Policies: Update.  This is a Google Drive doc.  Each member please look it over and let Keshia know if there are any questions or suggestions.


Learning and Development Opportunities for FY21: 

JoCo Weekly article responsibilities:

Kelly Weston will do an ADA article in Aug.

Mike Hensch will do an article on Islam for Aug.

Maysa Ahmed will do an article in Sept.

Heather Sanderson will do an article in Oct.

Annie Nugent will do a breast cancer article in Oct.

Donna Brooks will do an article in Nov.

John will do a Hanukkah article in Dec.

Camie will do a Kwanzaa article in Dec.


Upcoming Internal Events

My Journey from Kurdofan to Iowa City - Lunch and Learn - July 22, 2pm.  Maysa talked about the speaker.  Sign up for the zoom meeting.

Beyond the Book – White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo (Discussion lead by D&I Committee).  Laurie Nash is currently reading the book and will facilitate the discussion.  Donna said she can get together some discussion questions.  Discussion will be some time in August.


Other Items not on Agenda: 

Keshia asked how people like the Microsoft Teams application.  Some thought it was good to have all communications in 1 location.

John will be in charge of keeping the Diversity & Inclusion Committee intranet website up to date.  Keshia would like updates to calendar done on the Google Drive calendar.  John will see if we can link that to the intranet calendar.


Next Meeting Date and Time:  Tuesday, August 18, 2020


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