Tuesday, March 15, 2022 9AM-10AM

Zoom & Betty Sass Conference Room


Members Present: Dawn Alam, Ines Beltre, Gary Boseneiler, Brandon Davis, Sean Donaldson, John Hannaford, Mike Hensch, Cindy Hudson, Shannon Innis, Lakeshia Jackson, Paola Jaramillo, Fiona Johnson, Kate Klefstad, Laurie Nash, Annie Nugent, Kyle Phillips, Royceann Porter, Lynn Rose, BJ Salazar, and Kelly Weston

Approval of Minutes:  https://www.johnsoncountyiowa.gov/diversity-inclusion-committee-meeting-minutes-february-15-2022

Next Meeting Date and Time:  Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Ice Breaker: Paola Jaramillo is the new DEI Coordinator.  She told us about herself.  Her bio is in the 3/10 JoCo Weekly.

Budget Balance:  $8,336

Budget Discussion: Juneteenth Education/promotion.  Lots of discussion.

Paola met with Laurie Nash about community Juneteenth celebration.  Want more internal information about the holiday, what it means, get more interest.  Use the communications team to get info to staff.  Have some articles about Juneteenth in May and early June.  Have people of color on internal planning, maybe some community Juneteenth people.  Royceann Porter has a list of people who are interested in being involved with Juneteenth.  Party all day and have participants get points or stamps for different events or locations.  T-shirt from last year or design new one.  Community group may have t-shirt ideas.  More discussion at next meeting.   

Committee Art Work (Gary Bo):  Gary Boseneiler knows veteran artist group that makes a colorful hand sketch with an important word incorporated.  Group wants to have one for each department/office.  Each on is $75.  Paola suggested we have a diversity statement that each dept/office answer in one word, and that goes on their artwork.  Gary will meet with them again and get more details.

Departments Support:  How can DI Committee, DEI Coordinator, or HR help with inclusion in departments/offices?  Maybe have new hire orientation with Paola or Ines about DEI.

Changes on website:  John and Kyle can change.  Paola can get access too.

Diversity Website: https://www.johnsoncountyiowa.gov/diversity

Other items not on the agenda:

          Ines is meeting with Anthony Arrington from Top Rank, who did the county DEI assessment, about the Manager/Supervisor training on hiring a diverse workforce.  She is meeting with Anthony next week.

          Maybe have an update from Ray Forsythe at a future meeting on the Lulu Merle Johnson eponym memorial.


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