Registered Voters 563
Total Voters 395
Turnout 70.16%
Early Voters 88
% of votes cast early 22.28%

Shall the City of Swisher, Johnson County, Iowa, establish and operate a municipal waterworks utility for the City?

(50% required to pass)


YES 112 (28%)
NO 282 (72%)

Polls (City Hall, open noon to 8 PM)

YES 99 (32%)
NO 206 (68%)

Early Vote

YES 13 (15%)
NO 75 (85%)

Turnout and Early Voting Statistics

3 p.m. Turnout: 81 voters
Turnout at close of polls (8 p.m.): 306. The 70% total turnout (including absentees) is by far the highest percentage turnout for a special election in Johnson County history.

Early Ballots Returned: 88 of 90 requested. 19 voters at Auditor's Office, 71 mailed ballots.
One provisional ballot