Background and Policy 

Approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 24, 2022

Pursuant to Iowa Code §26.9 which requires that contracts for public improvements be awarded to the "lowest responsive, responsible bidder," Iowa law recognizes that a governmental entity may obtain information from the lowest responsive bidder to determine the bidder’s responsibility relating to the bidder’s experience, number of employees, and ability to finance the cost of the public improvement; accordingly, the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts this policy requiring submission of the General Contractor Quality Assurance Questionnaire by the apparent lowest bidder on Vertical Infrastructure Projects. The fully completed Questionnaire shall be submitted to the Johnson County Special Projects Manager within 14 calendar days of notification to the apparent lowest bidder.  Contractors who do not complete the following questionnaire may be deemed non-responsive or non-responsible.  


Definition of Vertical Infrastructure Project

"Vertical Infrastructure Project" for purposes of the Policy is defined as construction, addition, or major alteration of a facility that will require a certificate of occupancy that: 

1.    is to be bid and constructed by Johnson County;
2.    with an estimated construction cost in excess of $500,000,
3.    is funded without federal, state or other funding that would prohibit or limit use of the Questionnaire.

The Board of Supervisors will be provided with the General Contractor Quality Assurance Questionnaire of the apparent lowest bidder for the Board’s consideration in determining the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in accordance with Section 26.9 of the Iowa Code.  

General contractor quality assurance questionnaire