June 5, 1984 Primary Election

Registered Voters: 50,313
Total Voters: 5,903
Turnout: 11.73%
Early Voters: 255
% of Votes cast early: 4.32%


US Senate
Tom Harkin 4474 (100%)
scattered write in 8

US Representative, 3rd District
Joe Johnston 3753 (100%)
scattered write in 19

State Representative, 45th District
Minnette Doderer 1660 (75%)
Kenneth Wessels 539 (25%)

State Representative, 46th District
Jean Lloyd-Jones 1119 (100%)
scattered write in 5

State Representative, 54th District
Richard J. Varn 1271 (100%)
scattered write in 6

County Auditor
Tom Slockett 4349 (100%)
scattered write in 15

Clerk of Court
Edward F. Steinbrech 2312 (48%)
Maureen D. Taylor 1540 (32%)
G.M. Ginger Reiland 936 (20%)
scattered write in 4

County Sheriff
Gary Hughes (write in) 131
other write in 46
(No Democratic candidates filed or nominated; see Republican results below.)

Board of Supervisors (3 to be nominated)
Dick Myers 2966 (57%)
Don Sehr 2775 (53%)
Betty Ockenfels 2580 (49%)
Mary Neuhauser 2369 (45%)
Bob Burns 1944 (37%)
Dan Daly 1462 (28%)
scattered write in 19


US Senate
Roger Jepsen 527 (97%)
scattered write in 14

US Representative, 3rd District
Cooper Evans 576 (100%)
scattered write in 0

State Representative, 54th District
Audrey Jordahl 102 (55%)
Wayne Witte 81 (44%)
write in 1

Scattered Write Ins for Iowa Legislature
House District 45: 6
House District 46: 3

County Sheriff
Gary Hughes 583 (100%)
scattered write in 1

Clerk of Court
Mary A. Conklin 498 (97%)
scattered write in 14

Scattered Write Ins for County Offices
Auditor: 20
Board of Supervisors: 123