Description Of Organization And Services

Eligible Iowa City utility customers can receive a discount of 60 percent of the minimum water and sewer charges, 60 percent of the monthly storm water charge, and 75 percent of the refuse, recycling and organics charges each month.


410 E. Washington St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States

Business Phone

Eligible customers meet the following criteria:

  • Participation in one of the following programs: SSI (Supplemental Security Income), or SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance); FIP (Family Investment Program); Title XX (Childcare Assistance); Food Assistance; receiving Elderly Tax Credit on your real estate tax or State Rent disbursement.
  • All residents of household must be eligible for one or more of the programs to be eligible for the utility discount.
  • Reside at an Iowa City address.
Cost of Service


United Way Affiliate
Date Last Updated