The availability of affordable loans, provides lower income homeowners the opportunity to make repairs on their homes and ultimately helps to maintain Iowa City's housing stock. The Housing Rehabilitation Program office administers two programs: CDBG & HOME Housing Rehabilitation Programs: The federally-funded housing rehabilitation program is funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership programs and provides financial assistance to low and moderate income homeowners wanting to make repairs and improvements to their homes. The programs primarily provide low-interest or no-interest loans and/or conditional occupancy loans, depending upon the homeowner's ability to make monthly payments on the loans. The General Rehabilitation and Improvement Program (GRIP) is offered as a complement to the federally-funded CDBG/HOME programs without the same level of income targeting. This program allows the City to offer low-interest loans that are repayable over a 20-year period, with the money awarded to qualified homeowners on a first-come, first-serve basis.
410 E Washington St
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm Saturday/Sunday: Closed Closed Holidays NO Helpline
The program is intended for low and moderate income Iowa City homeowners. In general, if the home is in need of major essential repairs and there is no way one can afford them, it is likely that the homeowner is eligible. The gross household income must fall below 80% of the median income for the Iowa City area, as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The home must be located in Iowa City city limits; it must be a single-family, owner-occupied residence; the nature or extent of the repairs and improvements cannot exceed what is considered structurally or financially reasonable.
Low interest loans and/or conditional occupancy loans finance all programs. Loan payments are determined by the ability to make an additional monthly payment, but ensuring that total housing debt does not exceed 30% of gross income. Conditional occupancy loans are required to be paid back when the property is sold or rented.