Description Of Organization And Services

The mission of TRAIL of Johnson County -- our name stands for Tools and Resources for Active Independent Living -- is to help older adults remain in their own homes as long as possible, by providing access to needed services and socializing opportunities. For a monthly fee, TRAIL members receive three primary benefits: the services of a volunteer network for simple house chores and errands, transportation, medical advocacy, and other needs; and opportunities to participate in social and educational opportunities with other TRAIL members. TRAIL is part of the nationwide Village to Village Network (VtV) and is the first VtV aging-in-place organization in Iowa.

Bob Untiedt
Executive Director
Contact 2 Name
Jessica Hahn

28 S Linn St Room 301
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States

Business Phone

9AM - 1PM, Monday - Friday


Open to all residents of Johnson County.

Cost of Service

Affiliate Membership: $130/year single, $195/year household Full Membership: $600/year single, $780/year household

United Way Affiliate
Date Last Updated