Resolution 02-02-11-02

Resolution establishing a Johnson County Food Policy Council

Whereas, in April 2010 the Linn-Johnson Local Food Task Force, in its Regional Food System Plan, recommended the establishment of a collaborative Regional Food Policy Council with representatives from the region's counties and cities, and

Whereas, the Iowa Food Systems Council's report titled "Cultivating Resilience: A Food System Blueprint that Advances the Health of Iowans, Farms & Communities" recommends a similar action to establish regional food system councils appointed by county Boards of Supervisors and Boards of Health, and

Whereas, Johnson County has lost formerly vibrant food networking and processing facilities and is in danger of losing the social and cultural heritage of producing local food, and

Whereas, there is significant interest in Johnson County in local foods as shown by the fact that on Feb 18th, 2011 over 120 farmers,  restaurant owners,  grocers, chefs, institutions, schools, food distributors and local  food  leaders  held the first Come to the Table: Local Food Summit  for  producers and Purchasers – an event that brought together buyers and sellers from over 9 area counties  to  discuss  scaling  up  our  local  food  system  into  our  institutions,  grocery  stores, and
other regional food and entertainment venues, and

Whereas, the 2011-2013 Johnson County Board of Supervisors' strategic plan has the goal to promote rural economic development stated in Goal V(B), and

Whereas, food policy councils in other counties, cities and states have provided government officials and stakeholders with a forum to identify policies that foster economic development, provide the community with fresh and nutritious foods and support stewardship of finite natural resources, and

Whereas, a county food policy council could serve as an advisory group to the Johnson County Board of Health and the Obesity Task Force regarding growing health concerns related to food.

Now, Therefore the Johnson County Board of Supervisors does hereby resolve as follows:

The Board finds that formation of a Johnson County Food Policy Council is in the best interest of the citizens and businesses of Johnson County, IA. The board finds that the Council will improve dialogue and discussion and will provide necessary advice on food and agriculture issues to the county, municipalities, community boards, local agencies, nongovernmental organizations, businesses , and more. The Johnson County Food Policy Council will address food system issues in the county, including the development of the Council' s Governing Principles and strategic goals, data-gathering, research projects, policies to address food system issues and serve as a partner of the Iowa Corridor Food and Agriculture Coalition.
Be it Further Resolved that the Council shall be created according to the Organizational Guidelines attached hereto which may be revised from time to time as recommended by the Council and approved by the Board of Supervisors.


Approved 02/02/2012