City Council to fill vacancy, term ending December 31, 2019. Vacancy created by resignation of council member Jim Sayre.
RaQuishia Harrington 275 (33%)
Brent Smith 255 (31%)
Steve Sherman 115 (14%)
Josey Bathke 28 (9%)
Abdouramane Bila 72 (9%)
Matt Zacek 29 (4%)
Write in 0
- Results by precinct
- Turnout updates 9 AM, 11 AM, 3 PM and 6 PM
Dates and deadlines:
- Friday, Feb 15: Filing deadline, 5 PM. File at Auditor's Office. 25 signatures required
- Monday, February 18: President's Day holiday, office closed
- Tuesday, February 19: Deadline to object to nomination papers, noon. Deadline to withdraw, 5 PM (Deadlines postponed due to holiday.)
- Wednesday, February 27: Early voting begins at Auditor's Office. Voting will be available during regular office hours, weekdays 7:45 to 5:30
- Thursday, February 28: Candidate forum hosted by League of Women Voters. 7-8:30 PM, North Liberty City Hall
- Friday, March 1:
- Voter pre-registration deadline, 5 PM. Election Day Registration still available after this date with ID and proof of address.
- Deadline to request mailed absentee ballot, 5 PM. In-person early voting still available after this date.
- Monday, March 11: Last day to vote early at Auditor's Office, 7:45 to 5:30
- Tuesday March 12: Election Day. Polls open 7 AM to 8 PM. All voters will vote at the North liberty Community Library, 520 W. Cherry St.
Note that the oath of identity provisions of the Iowa voter ID law expired on December 21, 2018. Unless there is another court ruling, ID will be required to vote on Election Day.
The August 2018 court order regarding absentee and in-person early voting is still in effect. Early and absentee voters do NOT have to show an ID or provide and ID number.
- More on Voter ID Law (Iowa Secretary of State)
List of candidates
Josey Bathke
1307 Logan Ct
North Liberty, IA 52317
Abdouramane Bila
155 N Sunset Dr
North Liberty, IA 52317
RaQuishia Harrington
70 Prairie Ridge Ct
North Liberty, IA 52317
Steve Sherman
340 Lockmoor Ave
North Liberty, IA 52317
Brent Smith
595 Penn Ridge Pl
North Liberty, IA 52317
Matt Zacek
1930 Robin Dr
North Liberty, IA 52317