Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 9:00am

Hybrid Meeting

Members Present:  Dawn Alam, Ines Beltre, Ethan Bettis, Brandon Davis, Sean Donaldson, John Hannaford, Paola Jaramillo Guayara, Fiona Johnson, Kristen Morrow, Laurie Nash, Annie Nugent, Jordan Plath, Lynn Rose, BJ Salazar, Kaitlin Schlotfelt, Lora Shramek, Tony Stammler, and Kelly Weston

Next Meeting Date and Time:  Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 9 AM

Ice Breaker:   Took a survey of what goals or activities the committee members would like to pursue in the next year and what thing they wish the committee did differently.

Budget Balance:  $31,933.00

Update on County-wide Pronoun Program Development:  Will rollout program starting in March.  In June will survey to see how well the program is working.

Update on Regular FTE & PTE Email Policy:  On Jan 23, Paola and Nikole will train roads Dept on accessing email.  Dawn will be training SEATS Dept.  

Update on Community Cultural Engagement Sponsorship:  Allison Wells, Grants Assistant, is working on setting up this sponsorship in the grant management system.  Mid Feb to March rollout.  Organizations would fill out an application, Paola and Nikole will review then present to the Board of Supervisors for approval.   

2023 JoCo Weekly Article Sign-Up:                                     Use the link above to sign up for monthly JoCo Weekly articles.  Nikole will share the list with committee members.

Diversity & Inclusion Committee Intranet Site:

The intranet site may add on-line trainings in the future.  May include on-line diversity 101 trainings.    If committee members would like something added to the site, email Paola or Nikole. 

January Lunch & Learn – Thursday, Jan. 12th:   


Other items not on the agenda