Des Moines, IA - On February 2-4, 2022, over 600 transportation leaders and builders gathered to exchange information and recognize last year’s exceptional construction projects. The Iowa Concrete Paving Association (ICPA) hosted its 58th Annual Concrete Paving Workshop, which each year attracts the Midwest’s top engineers, highway officials, contractors, and consultants.
ICPA’s 58th Workshop registration volume continues to demonstrate the interest in concrete pavements and solutions for today’s transportation professionals. The numbers also confirm the (ICPA) Workshop’s reputation as the biggest and the best paving conference in the country. No other single state paving association draws participation levels as high as the Iowa Concrete Paving Workshop.
Highlighting the three-day event was the presentation of the 2021 Portland Cement Concrete Paving Awards. In determining the winners of Iowa’s most prestigious paving awards, 84 nominated projects were rated on smoothness, quality control, general appearance, as well as workmanship, contractor management, safety, and project complexity. The ICPA and the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) jointly evaluated and recognized projects as 2021’s best concrete pavements built in eighteen categories. Photos of the projects and award presentations are available upon request (515-963-0606 or [email protected].)
Streb Construction Company and Streb Ready Mix, McClure Engineering Company and the Johnson County Conservation Board were presented the 2021 Iowa's Best Recreational Trails award for the Hoover Trail - Johnson County Highway 382 to Ely Road Trail Underpass.