Published on Jun 11, 2021

Ranger Update June 11, 2021
Though it may not officially be summer yet, the temperatures sure feel like summer!
With current highs in the 90s, many folks have taken to the water for recreation and to cool off from the sweltering sun. Large groups of people are utilizing their counties’ lakes and rivers for water recreation, and we are so happy to see so many of you out enjoying these areas.
As Park Rangers it is our job to make sure visitors have a FUN and SAFE experience while recreating on the water. So to ensure your visits are both fun and safe, please adhere to some Park Rangerly advice.
• Have a Life Jacket: While kayaking/ boating have a life jacket for each person. State Law requires youth 12 years of age and younger to wear a snug fitting life jacket when the vessel is underway. Ages 13 and up must have a wearable life jacket with them when the vessel is underway. If you’re at Kent Park and you forget your life jacket, you can borrow one from our Life Jacket Loaner Program located at the Boat Ramp at Kent Park. Feel free to use one of our life jackets, just return it so others can use it when you’re done.
• Swim only in designated areas: Beaches get crowded this time of year and you might want to head for deeper water to avoid the crowd, please don’t. In many lakes, beyond the beach is deeper water, under current, fishing structure, and other hazards. To keep you and your loved ones safe, please only swim in designated swimming areas.
• Stay Hydrated: Pack a cooler full of hydrating beverages like water, sports drinks, or juice boxes. This will help prevent dehydration. It is important to note that drinking alcohol alone this time of year can make one very dehydrated along with making not so good decisions.
• Limit your time outdoors: Everyone has a different sensitivity to the sun. Know your limits, pack and use some sun screen, and take a break from the sun when needed. This will prevent sun burns and possible heat related sickness.
• Leave the area better than you found it: Our areas are Carry In Carry Out. This means that each visitor is responsible for taking care of their own trash. This ensures that parks and wild areas are clean for both you and wildlife to enjoy.
If you head to your local lake or river this summer, I hope you have a fun and safe experience. And as always, enjoy your counties parks and natural areas!
Park Ranger Aaron Ohlsen