Planning, Development and Sustainability


TO All owners of real estate situated within Johnson County, Iowa and without the corporate limits of any city or town within said county, and all persons owning or claiming an interest therein and TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:

YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Planning & Zoning Commission of Johnson County, Iowa, will conduct a Public Hearing in the Second Floor Boardroom, Johnson County Administration Building, 913 South Dubuque St., Iowa City, Iowa, at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, September 13, 2021 at which time and place said Commission will consider various development applications.


  1. Public Hearing on Zoning Application PZC-21-28097 of David Brown, requesting rezoning of 16.4 acres from A-Agricultural to R-Residential and 44.5 acres from A-Agricultural to ERP-Environmental Resource Preservation. The request is on property located in the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 17 and the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 20, Township 81 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa. The property is situated on the south side of Seneca Road NW, approximately 5,000 feet southeast of its intersection with Blain Cemetery Road NW, in Jefferson Township. 
  1. Public Hearing on Zoning Application PZC-21-28106 of James Hesseltine, requesting rezoning of 1.53 acres from A-Agricultural to R-Residential. The request is on property located in the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 19, Township 79 North, Range 8 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa. The property is situated on the west side of Black Hawk Avenue SW, approximately 1,900 feet south of its intersection with 400th Street SW, in Hardin Township. 
  1. Public Hearing on Subdivision Application PZC-20-27948 of Ian Mack, requesting preliminary plat approval of Lincolns Landing. The property is described as Outlot C of Ellery Acres being located in the E ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 30, Township 80 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa. The property is located on the south side of Copi Road NW, approximately 2,300 feet west of its intersection with Half Moon Avenue NW, in Clear Creek Township.
  1. Public Hearing on Subdivision Application PZC-21-28052 of Kevin Krug, requesting preliminary and final plat approval of Krug First Addition. The request is on property located in the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 5, Township 81 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa. The property is situated on the north side of 120th Street NW, approximately 1,500 feet west of its intersection with Marak Road NW, in Jefferson Township.
  1. Public Hearing on Subdivision Application PZC-21-28099 of Tina Beltz, requesting preliminary and final plat approval of Beltz Acres. The request is on property located in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 5, Township 80 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa. The property is situated on the east side of Half Moon Ave NW, approximately 2,500 feet south of its intersection with Swan Lake Rd NW, in Madison Township.
  1. Public Hearing on Subdivision Application PZC-21-28100 of Paul Scallon, requesting preliminary plat approval of Cottage Woods. The request is on property located in the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 7, Township 81, Range 6 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa. The property is situated at the northwest corner of the intersection of Sandy Beach Road NE and 140th Street NE, in Big Grove Township.
  2. Public Hearing on Future Land Use Map Amendment Application FLUM-21-28091 of David Brown, requesting to amend the Johnson County 2018 Comprehensive Plan by changing the Future Land Use Map Category of certain property from Agricultural to Residential and Preservation. The request is on property located in the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 17 and the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 20, Township 81 North, Range 7 West of the 5th P.M. in Johnson County, Iowa. The property is situated on the south side of Seneca Road NW, approximately 5,000 feet southeast of its intersection with Blain Cemetery Road NW, in Jefferson Township. 

YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE FURTHER HEREBY NOTIFIED that the applications referred to above may be inspected by you at the office of the Johnson County Planning, Development & Sustainability Director, Johnson County Administration Building, 913 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Iowa, at such time as said office is open to the public.

YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE FURTHER HEREBY NOTIFIED that at said public hearing as indicated above all persons having an interest or concern will be afforded an opportunity to be heard in support of or in opposition to said application.

Dated this 1st day of September 2021, at Iowa City, Iowa.