Planning, Development and Sustainability

The Johnson County Board of Supervisors and the Johnson County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a joint work session at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 5, to discuss public input received on proposed updates to the priorities of the Johnson County 2018 Comprehensive Plan: Sustaining Success through 2028.  

The work session will be held in rooms 203B-C on the second floor of the Johnson County Health and Human Services (HHS) Building located at 855 S. Dubuque Street in Iowa City. Free public parking is available to the north of the building. The conference rooms can be reached by entering at the flagpole entrance and taking the elevator or stairs to the second floor. Members of the public are welcome to join meetings in person or electronically by video call at

The session on Dec. 5 will include a staff presentation and summary of nearly 130 responses received through three in-person open houses held in October and an online survey made available for more than three weeks. Public input at the work session will be at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. The comprehensive plan was adopted in 2018 with the intention that there would be a review after five years. The current plan, as amended through May 5, 2022, can be accessed online in English at A printed copy of the plan is also available at the Planning, Development and Sustainability (PDS) Department in their temporary location on the third floor of the HHS Building at 855 S. Dubuque Street in Iowa City.  

The website for the plan update process is

For more information, contact PDS at 319-356-6083 or [email protected]