Join Johnson County Public Health in two community sessions to review the health data collected last fall. Health departments across the state are required to assess health concerns, prioritize efforts and resources, and foster the creation of a collaborative improvement plan for the community every five years. The Community Health Status Assessment is part of a larger community health assessment strategy called HealthyJoCo. The final report will be presented in two sessions and is available online.

“We’re asking the Johnson County community to participate in these online presentations to review the findings with us and note any questions or concerns they might have. Our team has been hard at work improving how we collect and report out data in a way that’s more inclusive and prominent. We want the community to use this information to make decisions,” said Sam Jarvis, Community Health Manager.

HealthyJoCo is a collaborative effort comprised of public health staff and community leaders that help oversee and provide direction for health assessment efforts. These assessment efforts will ultimately identify health priorities in Johnson County by spring of 2024. The health department’s goal is to make sure identified health priorities reflect what the community tells us are health priorities, which is why we are collecting information from the community in multiple ways and at different points in time.

Please follow these links to register:

Health in Johnson County | Day 1

Health in Johnson County | Day 2