Commission of Veterans Affairs

Monthly Meeting Minutes
June 22, 2021

Meeting called to order at 17:03 by Chairperson Blanchard at the Coralville American Legion

Present: Gary Boseneiler, Bill Blanchard, Mandy Coates, Larry Hingtgen, Chad Gerdes & JoAnne Downes. Unless noted, all actions were taken unanimously.

  1. Motion by Gerdes, second by Hingtgen to approve the May minutes
  1. Motion by Downes, second by Coates to approve the May voucher report
  1. The Commission discussed upcoming Policy & Procedures updates, outreach activities, and our Memorial Day celebration
  1. Boseneiler presented two Memorial expansion quotes. Memorials by Michel was unanimously selected.
  1. Motion by Coates, second by Gerdes to adjourn at 18:00

Recorded by Gary Boseneiler: These minutes will be presented to the Secretary for approval during our July 2021 meeting.

Signature on file July 13, 2021.

Click here to read the PDF version of the Veterans Affairs Commission June 22, 2021 Minutes