Johnson County will increase food security and access to local foods in the community by expanding support of local foods initiatives. The expansion is a result of Johnson County’s investment of funds received from the federal government through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

The Board of Supervisors voted to allocate $200,000 for local foods initiatives over the next three fiscal years to support a more resilient and equitable community-based food system by increasing capacity and reducing barriers for local food and farm businesses. Of the $200,000 investment, $50,000 will be utilized in Fiscal Year 2022, which ends June 30, 2022, to support access to local fruits, vegetables and proteins for food-insecure residents. The project will also work to foster economic growth in the community food system by purchasing and distributing vegetable and protein shares grown by local farmers.

The $150,000 allocated for Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024 will support the long-term growth of Johnson County’s community-based food system. Projects will support food supply chain infrastructure; access to food; bridging the wholesale gap; equitable access for food and farm businesses; and farmland access and sustainable land management.

The COVID-19 pandemic affected Johnson County’s local foods system in a number of ways. During the pandemic, the immediate needs for many of those who were food-insecure were addressed through expanded federal programs and funding. However, now that those federal programs are ending or returning to original parameters, there is a long-term need to increase access to local foods in Johnson County.

Additionally, the pandemic caused a disruption to and shortages in the national food supply chain, creating a surge in demand for locally grown and produced food. Ongoing disruptions highlight the need for a stronger and more resilient community-based foods system to meet food needs daily and in times of crisis. Though area farmers and food producers showed their ability to pivot and provide for the community, additional support is needed to grow our capacity and sustain these efforts long-term.

Johnson County is committed to utilizing ARPA to enhance investments in public services and maximize the impacts of our local fiscal recovery allocation. The County's ARPA Leadership Team has been working since February 2021 to research and discuss the many aspects of this funding. Johnson County solicited public input from May to October 2021 using a series of online surveys and tools as well as six in-person public input sessions that were held throughout the County.

More information about ARPA and how it impacts Johnson County is available at