Johnson County Public Health (JCPH) will expand its capacity to help those in the community who are most in need by hiring two additional community health nurses. The expansion is a result of Johnson County’s investment of funds received from the federal government through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

JCPH works to promote, protect and improve the safety, health and well-being of Johnson County. A primary focus of ARPA funds is to provide resources for governments to address longstanding health disparities that were amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic continues to evolve, community health nurses will work to meet the changing needs of residents and improve health outcomes in Johnson County.

The community health nurses will work to:  

  • Promote, maintain and improve healthy lifestyles,
  • Reduce the burden of chronic disease for at-risk and underserved populations,
  • Address current and emerging health issues,
  • Provide outreach to marginalized populations,
  • Expand JCPH’s ability to conduct offsite and mass vaccinations clinics,
  • Support the ongoing public health response to COVID-19.

The Board of Supervisors voted to invest $106,346 for Fiscal Year 2022, which ends June 30, 2022. A total of $638,078.40 has been allocated over four Fiscal Years. 

More information about JCPH is available at

Johnson County is committed to utilizing ARPA to enhance investments in public services and maximize the impacts of our local fiscal recovery allocation. The County's ARPA Leadership Team has been working since February 2021 to research and discuss the many aspects of this funding. Johnson County solicited public input from May to October 2021 using a series of online surveys and tools as well as six in-person public input sessions that were held throughout the County.

More information about ARPA and how it impacts Johnson County is available at