Johnson County is pursuing a study to assess broadband internet capabilities, needs and deficiencies in the county. The study is a result of Johnson County’s investment of funds received from the federal government through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many Johnson County residents needed to or were required to work from home. Additionally, a number of area schools suspended in-person instruction and transitioned to online or hybrid learning. Many healthcare providers moved to online appointments to conduct non-emergency medical appointments. The increase in online use and demand caused a significant strain on area broadband internet capabilities.

Though Johnson County does not own broadband infrastructure, the pandemic illustrated the need for a more robust system throughout the county. The study, which will be conducted by a qualified third-party consultant, will provide localized, accurate and actionable data regarding internet speeds and service area coverage. There will be an emphasis on the County’s smaller towns and rural areas. The study will:

  • Conduct an analysis to better determine what communities and areas are underserved;
  • Recommend strategies to address broadband deficiencies and achieve coverage for the entire county; and
  • Investigate partnerships with existing service providers.

The Board of Supervisors voted to allocate $50,000 to fund the study in Fiscal Year 2022, which ends June 30, 2022. The County intends to use the study to pursue additional funding opportunities at the state and federal levels.  

Johnson County is committed to utilizing ARPA to enhance investments in public services and maximize the impacts of our local fiscal recovery allocation. The County's ARPA Leadership Team has been working since February 2021 to research and discuss the many aspects of this funding. Johnson County solicited public input from May to October 2021 using a series of online surveys and tools as well as six in-person public input sessions that were held throughout the County.

More information about ARPA and how it impacts Johnson County is available at