The Johnson County Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa Area Board has funds available for programs to provide childcare consultation services to immigrant and refugee in-home childcare providers.

Any programs serving childcare providers in Johnson County are eligible to apply. Funds are available for contract dates Jan. 1 to June 30, 2023, with a possibility of up to two renewal years. Total funding of up to $5,000 is available for this project.

Funding service objectives are to:

  • provide linguistically and culturally competent childcare consultation services to immigrant and refugee individuals wishing to become a Registered Child Development Home or Child Care Home provider; 
  • increase participation in the IQ4K system among immigrant and refugee owned/operated Registered Child Development Homes;
  • increase the number of childcare slots available to children receiving childcare assistance in Registered Child Development Homes and Childcare Homes owned/operated by immigrant and refugee individuals;
  • facilitate successful completion of Child Care Essentials, mandatory reporter, First Aid/CPR training for individuals who are dual language learners in languages other than English;
  • work with providers on meeting Department of Human Services safety requirements;
  • facilitate programs that are enrolled and participating in the Child and Adult Food Care Program;
  • provide templates for enrollment processes, family handbooks, and contracts; and
  • assist providers with participation in ChildNet and required trainings in native languages.

Applications must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022. Applications are available at

For additional information, contact Sam Turnbull, Empowerment/Early Childhood Coordinator at 319-356-6090 or [email protected].