November 4, 1980 General Election


Registered Voters 62110
Total Voters 43382
Turnout 69.85%
Early Voters 2111
% of votes cast early 4.87 %

President and Vice President
Jimmy Carter/Walter Mondale (Democrat) 20122 (47%)
Ronald Reagan/George Bush (Republican) 13642 (32%)
John Anderson/Patrick Lucey (Nominated by petition) 8101 (19%)
Ed Clark/David Koch (Libertarian) 508 (1%)
Barry Commoner/LaDonna Harris (Citizens) 403 (1%)
David McReynolds/Diane Drufenbrock (Socialist) 111 (0%)
Gus Hall/Angela Davis (Communist) 61 (0%)
Clifton DeBerry/Mathilde Zimmerman (Socialist Workers) 21 (0%)
Percy Greaves/Frank Varnum (American) 10 (0%)
Benjamin Bubar/Earl Dodge (Prohibition) 5 (0%)
Scattered write in 13

US Senator
John Culver (Democrat) 28412 (67%)
Chuck Grassley (Republican) 13311 (32%)
Robert V. Hengerer (Libertarian) 213 (1%)
Garry DeYoung (Nominated by petition) 137 (0%)
John Ingram Henderson (Nominated by petition) 62

US Representative, 1st District
Jim Leach (Republican) 21902 (54%)
Jim Larew (Democrat) 18061 (45%)
Michael Grant (Libertarian) 319 (1%)
Gloria Williams (Socialist) 311 (1%)

Auditor of State (2 year term to fill vacancy)
Richard D. Johnson (Republican) 16983 (90%)
Thomas J. Oliver (Socialist) 1959 (10%)
scattered write in 5

State Auditor Lloyd Smith died shortly after he was re-elected in 1978.  Governor Ray appointed Johnson as Smith's successor to serve until this special election.

State Senate, District 12
Michael Richards (Democrat) 463 (52%)
Merlin Hulse (Republican) 432 (48%)

State Senate, District 36
Emil J. Husak (Democrat) 433 (47%)
Charles V. Dunham (Republican) 481 (53%)

State Senate, District 38
Richard F. Drake (Republican) 276 (54%)
Tom Tucker (Democrat) 233 (46%)

State Representative, District 24
Herbert Hinkhouse (Democrat) 645 (64%)
Vic Stueland (Republican) 361 (36%)

State Representative, District 25
John Patchett (Democrat) 2500 (52%)
George Petrick (Republican) 2269 (48%)

State Representative, District 72
Stephen J. Hanson (Democrat) 527 (52%)
Phillip E. Tyrell (Republican) 487 (48%)

State Representative, District 73
Jean Lloyd-Jones (Democrat) 8782 (59%)
Howard N. Sokol (Republican) 5923 (39%)
Michael G. Lewis (Libertarian) 292 (2%)

State Representative, District 74
Minnette Doderer (Democrat) 10494 (68%)
Douglas P. Bell (Republican) 4435 (29%)
Dan McDonald (Libertarian) 466 (3%)

State Representative, District 75
Betty Hoffmann (Republican) 335 (62%)
Joe Hankins (Democrat) 209 (38%)

County Auditor
Tom Slockett (Democrat) 22985 (63%)
Catherine Finley (Republican) 13760 (37%)
scattered write in 5

Clerk of Court
Mary Conklin (Republican) 21473 (58%)
Susan Flaherty (Democrat) 15481 (42%)
scattered write in 5

Gary Hughes (Republican) 25434 (67%)
William A. Kidwell (Democrat) 12791 (33%)
scattered write in 17

County Board of Supervisors
(3 to be elected)
Lorada Cilek (Democrat) 22123 (61%)
Don Sehr (Democrat) 20889 (58%)
Betty Ockenfels (Democrat) 20214 (56%)
Bob Vevera (Republican) 17133 (48%)
Spank Broders (Republican) 12470 (35%)
Audrey Jordahl (Republican) 11791
James Barfuss (Nominated by petition) 1592
Cynthia Bergquist (Libertarian) 1054
Keith Lamont (Libertarian) 751 (2%)
scattered write in 8

State Constitutional Amendment: Equal Rights For Women
Yes 25264 (68%)
No 12136 (32%)

Call for State Constitutional Convention
Yes 10303 (28%)
No 25895 (72%)

Bond Issue:
Purchase of former Sabin School for County office space
60% Required
Yes 15009 (50%)
No 14837 (50%)