November 8, 1988 General Election

Registered Voters 66,961
Total Voters 45,268
Turnout 67.60%
Early Voters 2,747
% of votes cast early 6.07%

President and Vice President

Michael Dukakis/Lloyd Bentsen (Democrat) 28759 (64%)
George Bush/Dan Quayle (Republican) 15453 (35%)
Ron Paul/Andre Marrou (Libertarian) 149 (0%)
Willa Kenoyer/Ron Ehrenreich (Socialist) 34 (0%)
Lenora Fulani/Joyce Dattner (New Alliance) 33 (0%)
Lyndon LaRouche/Debra Freeman (National Economic Recovery) 22 (0%)
David Duke/Floyd Parker (Populist) 22 (0%)
James Warren/Kathy Mickells (Socialist Workers) 15 (0%)
Ed Winn/Barry Porster (Workers League) 6 (0%)
Scattered write-in 154 (0%)

US Representative, 3rd District

David R. Nagle (Democrat) 29795 (67%)
Donald B. Redfern (Republican) 14361 (32%)
scattered write-in 44

State Representative, 45th District

Minnette Doderer (Democrat) 11915 (98%)
Scattered write-in 244

State Representative, 46th District

Mary Neuhauser (Democrat) 12016 (99%)
Scattered write-in 173

State Representative, 54th District

Robert Dvorsky (Democrat) 7889 (73%)
Steven J. Russell (Republican) 2878 (27%)
Scattered write-in 5

County Supervisor (3 to be elected)

Betty Ockenfels (Democrat) 31192
Charles D. Duffy (Democrat) 30657
Dick Myers (Democrat) 30073
Scattered write-in 549

County Auditor

Tom Slockett (Democrat) 34799 (99%)
Scattered write-in 275

County Sheriff

Robert W. Carpenter (Democrat) 28330 (67%)
Robert Vevera (Republican) 14140 (33%)
Scattered write-in 129

Constitutional Amendment 1 (Governor & Lieutenant Governor elected as team)

Yes 24537 (63%)
No 14638 (37%)

Constitutional Amendment 2 (Gubernatorial succession, duties of Lieutenant Governor)

Yes 30459 (81%)
No 7371 (19%)