Candidate Forums
Please contact our office with information about additional forums. Thanks to Holly. Hines of the Press-Citizen for the initial list.
- Saturday, August 4, 5-9 p.m., 901 Melrose Ave. ICCSD Board candidates. Sponsored by Fourth Room Theatre.
- Wednesday, August 9, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn St. Sponsored by El Trueque Latino Magazine. Translations in English, Spanish and Arabic
- Wednesday, August 16, 7-8 p.m., Iowa City Council Chamber, 410 E. Washington St. ICCSD Bond Issue. Sponsored by League of Women Voters.
- Monday, August 28, 6-8 p.m., Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn St. Sponsored by Intra-National Home Health Care,, The Village Community, the Iowa City Autism Community, Parents Creating Change and the National Alliance on Mental Illness Children's Mental Health Task force.
- Tuesday, August 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Iowa City Public Library. ICCSD Board candidates. Sponsored by Iowa City Education Association (ICEA) and Press-Citizen.
- Thursday, August 31, 6 p.m., Iowa City Public Library. ICCSD Board candidates and Bond Issue. Sponsored by Education Exchange and PATV.
Iowa City School District
Bond Issue. 60% required.
Shall the Board of Directors of the Iowa City Community School District in the County of Johnson, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $191,525,000 to provide funds to address health, safety, and accessibility issues in all school buildings, including air conditioning all school buildings, reducing the use of temporary classroom structures in the District, addressing classroom, lunchroom, and gymnasium overcrowding, and dedicating rooms to art, music, prekindergarten, and science by constructing, furnishing and equipping a new building, constructing additions to and/or remodeling, repairing, and improving the school buildings remaining in the District's Facilities Mast Plan, as following: Mann and Lincoln renovations, Liberty High athletic facilities construction and site improvements, new elementary school construction in North Liberty and site improvements, West High renovation, South East and North Central Junior High additions, Shimek renovation, City High addition and upgrades, Wood addition, Wickham upgrades, Garner and Northwest additions, Liberty High addition, Horn renovation, Kirkwood addition, Borlaug, Alexander, and Lemme additions, and Tate High addition and upgrades?
- Board Member, four year term
Three to be elected
- J.P. Claussen
703 13th Ave
Coralville, IA 52241
319-621-5483 - Janet Godwin
2532 Aaron Dr SW
Iowa City 52240
319-499-0866 - Ruthina Malone
2638 Catskill Ct
PO Box 1692
Iowa City 52245
319-621-0802 - Laura Westemeyer
4696 Oak Crest Hill Rd SE
Iowa City 52240
319-466-9428 - Karen Woltman
880 Grouse Ln
North Liberty 52317
- Board Member, two year term to fill vacancy.
One to be elected
- Charlie Eastham
953 Canton St
Iowa City 52245
319-541-3972 - Shawn Eyestone
640 Broadmoor Dr
North Liberty 52317
Clear Creek Amana School District
All terms four years. All seats one to be elected.
Candidates for district seats must live in the director district, but all voters in the whole school district may vote in all the district races. Map
Bond Issue. 60% required.
Shall the Board of Directors of the Clear Creek Amana Community School District in the Counties of Iowa nd Johnson, State of Iowa, be authorized to contact indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 to provide funds to build, furnish, and equip a new elementary building, including related site improvements; to improve, remodel, repair, furnish, and equip Amana Elementary, Clear Creek Elementary, and North Bend Elementary, including accessibility improvements at Clear Creek Amana Elementary, and security improvements at all three sites; to build, furnish ,and equip a gymnasium addition at Clear Creek Elementary; to build, furnih and equip an addition to the High School; to improve the Middle School site access drive; and to improve parking at the High School site?
- Board Member at Large
- Eileen Schmidt
506 Redbird Run
Tiffin 52340
Incumbent - Kathy Swenka
2692 240th St NW
North Liberty 52317
319-626-6665 - Shawn M. Zierke
4124 V Sr
Homestead 52236
- Board Member District 2
- Bob Broghammer
4040 Erica Blvd SW
Oxford 52322
Incumbent - Scott Rohret
3948 Black Hawk Ave SW
Oxford 52333
- Board Member District 4
- Nicole Knapp
3142 W Hauer Dr NE
North Liberty 52317
Lone Tree School District
- Board Member, four year term
Three to be elected.
- Christina Magruder
4527 580th St SE
Lone Tree 52755
Incumbent - Michael J. Waldschmidt
4476 490th St SE
Iowa City 52240
Incumbent - Josh Zaruba
5270 Golden Pond Ln SE
Lone Tree 52755
Solon School District
- Board Member, four year term
Three to be elected
- Timothy Brown
618 Randall Drive
Solon 52333
Incumbent - Dan Coons
713 Willow Ct
Solon 52333
319-624-5194 - Rick Jedlicka
613 S Market St
Solon 52333
Incumbent - Nicole Pizzini
501 Whispering Willow Ln
Solon 52333
Other school districts: Contact control county for more information
Kirkwood (Area X):
- Director District 3
Four year term, one to be elected. Map
- Rose G. Rennekamp
2312 Deer Run NE
North Liberty, IA 52317
Appointed Incumbent
Kirkwood Bond Issue: All districts except West Liberty. 60% required.
Shall the Kirkwood Community College (Merged Area X) in the Counties of Benton, Black Hawk, Buchanan, Cedar, Clinton, Delaware, Dubuque, Iowa, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Koekuk, Linn, Louisa, Poweshiek, Tama and Washington, be authorized to remodel, erect and equip buildings at the main campus and other enrollment locations, acquire a site or sites for use of the Community College, contract indebtedness therefore, and issue its school bonds in an amount not exceeding $60,000,000 for that purpose?