- Results
- Turnout 9AM, 11 AM, 3PM, 6 PM, final 8 PM
- Historic facts and figures: School Elections
Johnson County is the "control county" which administers elections for the four (4) districts entirely or primarily in Johnson County: Iowa City, Clear Creek Amana, Lone Tree, and Solon. Other districts include parts of Johnson County but are primarily in other counties. For information on other districts contact their control county.
Iowa City Community School District
- Four (4) year term - vote for no more than four (4) to be elected
- LaTasha DeLoach
2826 Whispering Meadow Dr
Iowa City, IA 52240
latashaforboard@gmail.com - Shawn Eyestone
640 Broadmoor Dr
North Liberty, IA 52317
seyestone71@gamil.com - Todd Fanning
305 S. Stewart St
North Liberty, IA 52317
fannclubb6@gmail.com - Phil Hemingway
415 Elmridge Ave
Iowa City, IA 52245
phil@philsrepairllc.com - Jason T. Lewis
1403 Hollywood Blvd
Iowa City, IA 52240
contact@jasontlewisforiccsd.com - Brian Richman
20 Ashwood Dr
Iowa City, IA 52245
brian@bdrichman.com - Lori Roetlin
1930 Lynncrest Dr
Coralville, IA 52241
loriging@yahoo.com - Lucas S. Van Orden
121 Pond Ln NE
Iowa City, IA 52240
- Brianna Wills
70 Hickory Pl
Iowa City, IA 52245
brianna.wills@gmail.com - Tom Yates
1901 B St
Iowa City, IA 52245
- Two (2) year term to fill vacancy, vote for one (1)
- Christopher Liebig
6 Glendale Terrace
Iowa City, IA 52245
cjliebig@gmail.com - Paul Roesler
30 Mary Ct
Iowa City, IA 52245
roselerforboard@gmail.com - Megan Schwalm
2834 Whispering Meadow Dr
Iowa City, IA 52240
Clear Creek Amana School District
District members must live within director districts, but entire school district votes on all seats - Map
- Four Year Terms
At Large - two (2) to be elected; vote for no more than two (2)
- Terry Davis
3076 Chambers Ave NW
Oxford, IA 52322
Incumbent - Matt McAreavy
4031 Erica Blvd SW
Oxford, IA 52322
Appointed incumbent
(in District 2 seat)
- District Seats
Vote for one (1)
- District 1 - four (4) year term
Jennifer Mooney
712 27th Ave
PO Box 12
Middle Amana, IA 52307
bjmooney@live.com - District 2 - two (2) year term to fill vacancy
Bob Broghammer
4040 Erica Blvd SW
Oxford, IA 52322
Incumbent (in At Large seat) - District 3 - four (4) year term
Steve Swenka
2671 Half Moon Ave NW
Tiffin, IA 52340
Lone Tree School District
- Four (4) year term
Two (2) to be elected, vote for no more than two (2).
- Sheila Burr
5425 520th St SE
Lone Tree, IA 52755
Incumbent - Joel Yedlik
4850 620th St SE
Lone Tree, IA 52755
- Two (2) year term
- No candidates filed.
(Note: Mike Waldschmidt, appointed incumbent serving in the two (2) year term to fill vacancy, filed for the four (4) year term but withdrew on August 3. He was elected to the two (2) year term as a write-in).
Solon School District
- Four (4) year term
Vote for no more than two (2), two (2) to be elected
- Dan Coons
713 Willow Ct
Solon, IA 52333
Incumbent - Adam Haluska
1103 Wood Lily Rd
Solon, IA 52333
adam.haluska@gmail.com - Jim Hauer
617 Randall Dr
Solon, IA 52333
hauerjg@hotmail.com - Amber Marty
3127 Oak St NE
Solon, IA 52333
Kirkwood Community College Directors
- District 4
Edward D. Raber
518 S. Iowa Ave
Washington, IA, 52353
raber.ed@gmail.comLorraine Williams
125 Green Meadows Dr
Appointed incumbent - District 5
Alan Jensen
705 W. Board St
North English, IA 52316
Appointed incumbent
Early Voting Statistics
Through mail delivery 11 AM Tuesday, September 7.
Includes voting at office, mailed absentees, satellite sites and nursing homes.
School Precinct | Registration | Requested | % of reg. | Returned | Not Returned |
CC01 UICCU | 2226 | 4 | 0.18% | 4 | 0 |
CC02 Oxford City Hall | 1059 | 1 | 0.09% | 1 | 0 |
CC03 Cosgrove | 500 | 5 | 1.00% | 5 | 0 |
CC04 Tiffin | 2193 | 3 | 0.14% | 3 | 0 |
CC05 Amana | 1487 | 0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0 |
Clear Creek Amana Total | 7465 | 13 | 0.17% | 13 | 0 |
IC01 CV Rec Center | 10293 | 91 | 0.88% | 90 | 1 |
IC02 NL Comm Center | 9105 | 64 | 0.70% | 61 | 3 |
IC03 Lincoln | 3157 | 18 | 0.57% | 18 | 0 |
IC04 Horace Mann |
9465 | 99 | 1.05% | 97 | 2 |
IC05 West High | 8253 | 112 | 1.36% | 109 | 3 |
IC06 Mark Twain | 8841 | 68 | 0.77% | 67 | 1 |
IC07 City High | 9931 | 122 | 1.23% | 122 | 0 |
IC08 Helen Lemme | 4349 | 101 | 2.32% | 98 | 3 |
IC09 Hills | 794 | 6 | 0.76% | 6 | 0 |
IC10 Mercer | 4980 | 68 | 1.37% | 68 | 0 |
Iowa City Total | 69168 | 749 | 1.08% | 736 | 13 |
Lone Tree | 1422 | 14 | 0.98% | 13 | 1 |
SS01 Solon | 3950 | 89 | 2.25% | 89 | 0 |
SS02 Shueyville | 706 | 7 | 0.99% | 7 | 0 |
Solon Total | 4656 | 96 | 2.06% | 96 | 0 |
Grand Total | 82711 | 872 | 1.05% | 858 | 14 |
Satellite sites:
Thursday 9/4, 10 AM -- 4 PM, UIHC; 73 voters (voting for all districts).
Friday, 9/4, 6 - 9 PM, Votemobile at Solon HS football game; 80 voters (voting for Solon School District only).
Dates and deadlines - Some deadlines were affected by the Labor Day holiday the day before the election.
- July 6 - 30; Candidate filing period. File with school board secretaries (not with our office). Terms four (4) years unless noted. Signature Requirements: Iowa City, Clear Creek Amana; 50 signatures. Solon: 47 signatures. Lone Tree: 15 signatures.
- Tuesday, August 4: Deadline for candidates to withdraw, 5 p.m. File iwth school board secretary.
- Thursday, August 13L Early voting begins at auditor's office. Early voting available weekdays, 7:45 to 5:30, through Friday September 4.
- Friday, August 28: Voter pre-registration deadline, 5 p.m. 11 days before the election. Voters can still register after this deadline using the election day registration procedure.
- Thursday, September 3: Satellite voting at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Fonutail Lobby, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Voting for al four (4) Johnson County controlled school districts (Iowa City, Clear Creek Amana, Lone Tree, and Solon) available.
- Friday, September 4
- Last day to vote early at Auditor's Office, 7:45 to 5:30
- Requests for mailed ballots must be in our office by 5 p.m.
- Votemobile Satellite Site at Solon High School football game, 6-9 p.m. Voting for Solon School District only.
- Saturday, September 5: Last postal business day ballots may be postmarked before the election in order to be counted. (Ballots must be postmarked by the day before the election to be counted, but the day before the September 8 election is a postal holiday). Mailed absentee ballots may be delivered din person to the Auditor's Office until polls close September 8.
- Monday, September 7: Labor Day holiday, office closed
- Tuesday, September 8: Election Day. Polls open 7 AM to 8 PM. Vote at school precincts, which for most voters are different than regular polling places.
- Friday, September 11: Official canvass of votes.