Policy Board

Pre-Charge Diversion Coordination and Expansion Program


Since the 1990’s Johnson County has invested in programs and services that:

  • promote positive youth development
  • are effective in preventing juvenile crime and delinquency

Effective positive youth development programming enhances the lives of children and families and reduces spending on costly juvenile justice placements.

Youth Development is the ongoing growth process in which all youth strive to:

  • Meet the basic, personal and social needs to feel cared for and to be safe, valued, useful and spiritually grounded
  • Build character, skills, and competencies that permit functioning and contribution in daily life

Youth Development builds on the strengths and assets of young people rather than concentrating solely on prevention or treatment of problems.


Multiple strategies to reduce risky behaviors:

  • Support and strengthen family functioning
  • Increase connections between students and their schools
  • Make communities safe and supportive for children and youth
  • Promote involvement in high quality out-of-school time programs
  • Promote the development of sustained relationships with caring adults
  • Provide children and youth opportunities to build social and emotional competence
  • Provide children and youth with high quality education during early and middle school

FY 2025 County Funded JJYD Programs

Total Funding: $353,579 (JJYD funding $253,335: County ARPA funding $100,244)

Big Brothers Big Sisters - Mentoring Program
Web site
Program Description: One to one community-based mentoring and after school programming.
Funding: $74,615

Big Brothers Big Sisters - Sports Buddies Program
Web site
Program Description: Wrap around supports targeting physical health as well as social-emotional learning outcomes.
Funding: $39,744  (County ARPA Dollars)

Dream City- After School and Summer Program
Web site
Program Description: Program supports positive social, emotional, academic, and community supports. Available for youth school age grades 5th- 12th. Programming offered after-school and during the summer.
Funding: $45,000

Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County - After-School Enrichment Program
Web site
Program Description: Youth Engaged in Leadership and Learning (YELL) after-school enrichment programming available for youth school grades 4th-6th attending elementary school. In addition to summer enrichment programming.
Funding: $69,970

United Action for Youth – Youth & Family Advocacy Program
Web site
Program Description: Crisis intervention and mediation services for youth and their families. Provide parenting support and education, case management services, referral for youth in crisis, and family, peer and school mediation services.
Funding: $63,750

United Action for Youth - Positive Youth Development Program 
Web site
Program Description: Weekly after-school art workshops at three Iowa City Community School District junior high/middle schools and three Iowa City Community School District elementary schools. Hang-out sessions and weekly groups provide at UAY Youth Center.
Funding: $60,500 (County ARPA dollars)




FY22 Year End Report

FY21 Year End Report


If you have questions about JJYD programming, please contact Laurie Nash at 319-356-6090 or email [email protected]