Johnson County Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa Area is the Johnson County area for the state Early Childhood Iowa initiative Early Childhood Iowa legislation empowers local communities and their citizens to develop collaborative planning and implementation of strategies to meet the needs of young children and their families. The Johnson County Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa Area (JCE/ECIA) Board is committed to having broad-based community membership and establishing diversity within the Board. Current areas of focused recruitment include men, Persons of Color, Dual Language Learners, Parents or Grandparents of children aged 0-5 and members of a faith or business community.

For more information, please contact:

Liz Ernst, Early Childhood Coordinator
Johnson County Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa Area
855 S Dubuque Street, Suite 202B
Iowa City, IA  52240
Phone:  319-356-6090


Applicant Contact Information

Applicant contact information



Members of the Board shall be elected officials or members of the public who are not employed by a provider of services to or for the Board. Membership shall include at least one representative from each of the interest areas of business, consumer, early care and education, faith, health, and human services.

Please indicate which of the following interests you can represent on the JCE/ECA Board:

interests you can represent

Please refer to the below list of local programs funded by the JCE/ECA Board.

Are you or your spouse a paid staff member of an organization that receives funding (directly or indirectly) from the JCE/ECA Board- if yes please indicate the organization below.

paid staff member
list below
list below

Are you aware of any conflict of interest with your participation on the JCE/ECA Board due to the Board’s role in providing funding to the above programs?

conflict of interest

JCE/ECA Board membership requires an average of 4 hours per month for a 3-year term. Members serve on the Board and are encouraged to serve on a Committee or Work Group. Board meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30-8:00 p.m. Committee & Work Group meeting dates and times vary. Is there any reason why you might not be able to serve consistently on the Board?

any reason not consistent

Diversity (optional)

The Board strives to maintain membership that is representative of Johnson County in regards to age, ethnicity, gender, language, race, and representing both urban and rural areas and in compliance with state and local non-discrimination laws.

Optional: To help us ensure our local Board is representative of our community, please consider identifying whether you represent the following:

diversity represent

I verify that the information on this Application Form is true and that I am willing to disclose relationships with other organizations that might pose conflict of interest issues.

I verify
I verify that the information on this Application Form is true and that I am willing to disclose relationships with other organizations that might pose conflict of interest issues.
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