This page provides access to a collection of videos and presentations related to JCLC events, news and activities. Content is chronological beginning with the most recent additions.

Home Modifications for Aging in Place
5/12/2022- (Runtime 01:01:31)- Older Americans Month Program | Find ways to modify your home to make it safer and more accessible to everyone. Lorraine Bowans, Senior Resource Specialist – LiveWell Seniors  & Senior Real Estate Specialist leads this event.

Heart Healthy Webinar
5/10/2022- (Runtime 00:35:12)- Older Americans Month Program | Heart health is possible at any age! Join us for a webinar presented by the American Heart Association to learn more about the 7 simple ways you can take control of your heart health for a longer, healthier life. This session is led by Chrissy Meyer, Communications Director American Heart Association.

2021 Videos

Wellness in the Second Half of Life Video on YouTube
9/8/2021 - (Runtime 00:57:02) - Aging in Place 2021 Webinar Series | Finding a balance of the six dimensions of wellness is a proven strategy that will allow you to enjoy a full and satisfying second half of life. Learn about your wellness dimensions and what you can do to bring your health and well-being into balance. Beth Pelton of Body Moves leads this session.

Home Evaluations to Identify Potential Hazards Video on YouTube
8/11/2021 - (Runtime 00:52:47) - Aging in Place 2021 Webinar Series | Have you ever wondered about what modifications can be made to make your home safe and accessible? Are you concerned that changes to your home will make it less attractive? Tune in to this session as GT Karr of Sueppels Siding and Remodeling and Andy Martin of Martin Construction take you on a walk-through of two recently completed projects and answer your questions about home modifications.

In-Home Care for Those with Non-Medical Needs Video on YouTube
7/14/2021 - (Runtime 00:47:37) - Aging in Place 2021 Webinar Series | Maintaining a safe and healthy home often comes with tasks outside of medical care. Fortunately, there are services available to make sure your needs are met. Learn more about these services from Veronica Lynn-Lee of Mercy Clinics and Holly Blood of BrightStar Care.

Bone Health What You Need to Know Video on YouTube
6/22/2021 - (Runtime 00:35:22) - Caregiver Action Team Webinar | Lori Fitton, APN, presents on what you need to know to prevent a fracture. She will discuss who is at risk for osteoporosis, and how to prevent, detect, diagnosis and treat this disease. She will tell you why a nutrient dense diet and exercise is so important for healthy bones.

In-Home Care for Those with Medical Needs Video On YouTube
6/9/2021 - (Runtime 00:52:57) - Aging in Place 2021 Webinar Series | RN's, PT and IV's- oh my! In this webinar the presenters Gretchen Schmuch, MSW at The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and Kelly Robison from Kindred At Home discuss how to get connected to medical in-home services, what medical services are available to your home and how to pay for them.

You are What You Eat: Nutritional Needs For Older Adults
Video Coming Soon
5/19/2021 - (Runtime) - Caregiver Action Team Webinar | Nicole Johnson, RN, LD, Hy-Vee Dietitian and Tim Getty, Regional Nutrition Coordinator for Heritage Area Agency on Aging present on the nutritional needs of older adults with an emphasis on caregivers and care recipients.

Resources to Prevent Social Isolation
Video Coming Soon
5/12/2021 - (Runtime) - Aging in Place 2021 Webinar Series | Eugenia Kendall from the Heritage Area Agency on Aging provides an overview on social isolation and how it impacts a person's health. LaTasha DeLoach from the Center, Erin Balvanz from United Way of Washington and Johnson County 55+ Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Amy Golly from North Liberty 55+ Senior Connections Lunch discuss ways to stay socially active.

2020 Videos

Housing Options When Deciding to Downsize
Video coming Soon
10/14/2020 - (Runtime 01:15:54) - Aging in Place 2020 Webinar Series |

Estate Planning When Going on Medicaid Video on YouTube
09/9/2020 - (Runtime) - Aging in Place 2020 Webinar Series | Many older adults go on Medicaid at some point during their retirement. This comes with a lot of questions, William Schwickerath of Pearson Bollman Law Firm discusses how going on Medicaid will impact your estate.

Gadgets to Make Life Easier
Video coming Soon
08/12/2020 - (Runtime) - Aging in Place 2019 Webinar Series |

Working with Contractors to Modify Your Home Video on YouTube
07/8/2020 - (Runtime 00:51:43) - Aging in Place 2020 Webinar Series | Andy Martin and GT Karr with The Greater Iowa City Area Home Builders Association present tips on how to find and qualify a contractor for your future construction and remodeling projects. They discuss what to ask, best practices when looking to hire, and expectations clients should have of their contractors for the best experience.

Starting to Declutter Video on YouTube
06/10/2020 - (Runtime 00:55:43) - Aging in Place 2020 Webinar Series | The emotional process when starting to declutter can be a stopping point for some. Learn some ways to make this much easier and to understand why it is so hard.

COVID:19: Facts, Myths & Resources Video on YouTube
05/20/2020 - (Runtime 00:57:204) - Aging in Place 2020 Webinar Series | JCPH shared the latest on Public Health and Providers shared resources during the pandemic.

2019 Videos

Safety First Leads to Longevity at Home Video on YouTube
09/11/2019 - (Runtime 00:52:02) - Aging in Place 2019 Forums | From physical and occupational therapists lean some ways to keep you and your home safe

Changes to Your Home & Resources to Help Video on YouTube
08/07/2019 - (Runtime 01:15:54) - Aging in Place 2019 Forums | Hear from contractors and support services about making adaptions in your home.

A Celebration of the CARE Act Video on YouTube
07/29/2019 - (Runtime 00:58:25) - This Celebration provided information and awareness of the recently enacted CARE Act in Iowa.

Stay Active, What Can You Do? Video on YouTube
07/10/2019 - (Runtime 00:51:13) - Aging in Place 2019 Forums | Keeping active outside your home, great for you and your plan.

Healthy Lifestyles Video on YouTube
06/12/2019 - (Runtime 01:10:00) - Aging in Place 2019 Forums | Exercise, nutrition and caring for yourself leads to a successful plan.

Embracing the Caregiver Role Video on YouTube
05/23/2019 - (Runtime 00:41:02) - Older Americans Month 2019 Forums | This forum discussed ways to create a successful plan, and how to move forward in becoming an effective caregiver.

Communication Must-Haves Video on YouTube
05/08/2019 - (Runtime 00:39:59) - Again in Place 2019 Forums | This forum discussed how to have open communication with family, caregivers and senior industry providers to have a successful plan of remaining at home.

2018 and Older Videos

Your New Home: Levels of Care in the Community Video on YouTube
10/10/2018 - Aging In Place 2018 Forums | Kim Bergen-Jackson discusses services available to allow you to Age in your home, Assisted Living, Nursing Homes, Hospice and Life Plan Communities.

Resources in the Community to Help Stay at Home Video on YouTube
09/12/2018 - Aging In Place 2018 Forums | The topic for this forum was resources that help people to stay in their homes as they age.

Dealing with the Stuff- Downsizing and Resources in the Community Video on YouTube
08/08/2018 - Aging In Place 2018 Forums | The topic for this forum was downsizing and resources.

Technology of Today and the Wave of the Future Video on YouTube
07/11/2018 - Aging In Place 2018 Forums | This session covers details of how technology has changed the Aging in Place Process, and will address: Mobility Devices & Resources, Smart Homes, Medication Management, Assistive Devices & Fixtures

Car free & Carefree Video on YouTube
05/08/2018 - Older Americans Month 2018 Forums | This session shares to maintain your independence using local transportation options. Refreshments provided.

Don't Be a Victim: How to Avoid Scams Video on YouTube
04/28/2016 - The Library Channel. Production co-sponsored by the Iowa City Public Library, MidWestOne, and Johnson County Livable Community.