The Medical Examiner is appointed by the Johnson County Board of Supervisors for a two-year term. The Medical Examiner appoints Deputy Medical Examiners who function as the Medical Examiner in his absence. Every Medical Examiner must be a licensed physician; the Medical Examiner and both Deputy Medical Examiners are board-certified forensic pathologists. The Medical Examiner and Deputy Medical Examiners are available 24 hours/day.
Medical Examiner Investigators (MEIs) perform death investigations under the supervision of the Medical Examiner and the Medical Examiner Administrator. MEIs gather information and evidence in order to make preliminary determinations of cause and manner of death. The Johnson County MEIs are either board or registry certified medicolegal death investigators with the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (ABMDI), a national, independent professional certification board. The ABMDI is accredited by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board and was established to promote the highest standards of practice for medicolegal death investigators.

Dennis J. Firchau, MD
Medical Examiner
Dennis J. Firchau, MD is the Medical Examiner for Johnson County, IA. Dr. Firchau is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. Dr. Firchau is certified by the American Board of Pathology in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, and Forensic Pathology.
Dr. Firchau received his medical degree from the Wayne State University School of Medicine. Residency training in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology was at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Fellowship training in forensic pathology was at the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office in Minneapolis, MN. Dr. Firchau also has fellowship training in cardiovascular pathology from the Mayo Clinic.

Melissa Blessing, DO
Deputy Medical Examiner
Melissa Blessing, DO is a Deputy Medical Examiner for Johnson County, IA. Dr. Blessing is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. She is certified by the American Board of Pathology in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Forensic Pathology, Neuropathology, and Pediatric Pathology.
Dr. Blessing received her medical degree from the AT Still University of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona. Residency training in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Blessing then completed a forensic pathology fellowship at the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences in Houston, Texas, and then a pediatric pathology fellowship at Harvard Medical School in conjunction with Boston Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Blessing has been an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX since July of 2020, where she served as the medical director of autopsy at the Texas Children’s Hospital.

Marcus Nashelsky, MD
Deputy Medical Examiner
Marcus Nashelsky, MD is a Deputy Medical Examiner for Johnson County, IA. Dr. Nashelsky is a Clinical Professor of Pathology at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. He is certified by the American Board of Pathology in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, and Forensic Pathology. Dr. Nashelsky was the President of the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) in 2015. Dr. Nashelsky was the Johnson County Medical Examiner from 2014 through 2019.
Dr. Nashelsky received his medical degree from the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. Residency training in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology was at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Fellowship training in Forensic Pathology was at the Office of the Medical Investigator of the University of New Mexico.

Clayton Schuneman
Administrative Director
Clayton Schuneman, BA, NREMT, F-ABMDI, is the Administrative Director of the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Clayton is a Board Certified Fellow of the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (F-ABMDI), a National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT), an Iowa Mortuary Operational Response Team (IMORT) Advisory Board Committee member, and a National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) Investigator Affiliate member. Schuneman holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from the University of Iowa. Clayton was a Medical Examiner Investigator with the County from 2010 to 2017. Prior to that, he was employed by the Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist where he worked for the Burials Program and as a field and laboratory technician.

Kate Bengtson
Assistant Administrative Director
Kate Bengtson, LMSW, F-ABMDI, is the Medical Examiner Assistant Administrative Director for the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Kate is a Board Certified Fellow of the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (F-ABMDI), and a National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) Investigator Affiliate member. Kate received her BSW and MSW from the University of Iowa School of Social Work. Kate has previous work experience with Iowa City Hospice and Iowa Donor Network and has been affiliated with the Medical Examiner Department since 2010.

Kristen Long
Investigative Supervisor
Kristen Long, BS, F-ABMDI, is the Medical Examiner Investigative Supervisor for the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Kristen is a Board Certified Fellow of the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (F-ABMDI). Kristen received her BS in criminal justice from State University of New York-Oneonta and Act 120 police certification at Lackawanna College Police Academy. Kristen previously worked as a lab technician at NuVasive, a medical assistant at Scott Sanders Dermatology, and a police officer at the Pocono Township Police Department. Kristen has been with the Medical Examiner department since 2019.

Kora LaVoy
Kora LaVoy, MS, D-ABMDI, is a Medical Examiner Investigator for the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Kora is a Registry Certified Medicolegal Death Investigator with the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (D-ABMDI). Kora received her BA from the University of Montana in anthropology with a certificate in forensic studies. She received her MS from Mercyhurst University in forensic and biological anthropology. Her master’s research involved the analysis of freezing-induced microcracking in human bone and its utility in ascertaining postmortem intervals and conditions. Kora has been with the Medical Examiner Department since 2021.

Zeel Naik
Zeel Naik, MS, D-ABMDI, is a Medical Examiner Investigator for the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Zeel is a Registry Certified Medicolegal Death Investigator with the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (D-ABMDI). Zeel received her BS from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in medical and molecular biology. She received her MS from Boston University in criminal justice with an emphasis in digital forensics. Her master’s research involved presenting solutions for human trafficking in the setting of cyber criminalistics. Zeel previously worked as a forensic scientist for the Armed Forces Medical Examiner Systems in Dover, Delaware. Zeel has been with the Medical Examiner Department since 2022.

Anna Posthumus
Anna Posthumus, MS, D-ABMDI, is a Medical Examiner Investigator for the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Anna is a Registry Certified Medicolegal Death Investigator with the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (D-ABMDI). Anna received her BA from the University of San Diego in anthropology with a minor in biology. She received her MS from Mercyhurst University in forensic and biological anthropology. Her master’s research involved the analysis of skeletal discrete traits and their utility in postmortem identification. Anna has been with the Medical Examiner Department since 2020.

Mary Roberts
Mary Roberts, D-ABMDI, DPT, is a Medical Examiner Investigator for the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Mary received her BS from Pacific University in Biology, and her Doctor of Physical Therapy from Pacific University. Mary previously worked as a DPT with Providence Health & Services and Corvallis Sport & Spine. Mary has been with the Medical Examiner Department since 2023.

Shelley Slay
Data Analyst
Shelley Slay, BA, is the Data Analyst for the Johnson County Medical Examiner Department. Shelley received her BA from the University of Iowa in Business Administration and Psychology. Shelley has a vast background in finance including working for Scott Duncan Films and the Iowa City Community School District. Shelley also coached for the Iowa Rockets Volleyball Club for ten years. Shelley has been with the Medical Examiner Department since 2023.