Johnson County Public Health’s HealthyJoCo is excited to share the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a community-driven strategy designed to build upon the strengths and assets of Johnson County.
Johnson County Public Health’s I-Smile™ Program is partnering with Kimball and Beecher Family Dentistry to provide free dental care to children in need on Friday, February 21st.
Johnson County Public Health partners with CredibleMind, an online platform that promotes mental wellness by providing evidence-based resources to improve mental well-being through assessments, personalized steps, and access to 200+ topics for everyone.
Getting Back-to-School Ready:
As the community travels for spring break or vacation, Johnson County Public Health would like to remind everyone on health and safety travel tips for this upcoming spring.
Johnson County Public Health wishes to recognize the City of Coralville, and the Coralville Parks and Recreation Commission for its commitment to creating a healthier environment for all Coralville residents and visitors.
Health Department asks community for feedback on potential community health priorities
Johnson County Public Health (JCPH) has been selected as a demonstration site to receive funding from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) in the amount of $150,000 under their “Partnering for Vaccine Equity” (P4VE) grant program.
Johnson County seeks an experienced service provider to conduct outreach, data management, payment, and administration for a program reimbursing doulas for birth work to eligible patients in Johnson County.
The Mosquito Surveillance program, administered in partnership between Johnson County Public Health and Iowa State Extension, has received a positive test for West Nile Virus on a mosquito sample from July 10th, 2023.
On March 22, the Johnson County Board of Health renewed their Position Statement on e-cigarettes for another three years.
Health Department shares Community Health Status Assessment Results