Strategic Plan 2021-2023

The Food Policy Council approved an updated version of their 2021-2023 Strategic Plan on April 17, 2023. 


The Johnson County Food Policy Council envisions a resilient, equitable, community-based food system rooted in the nourishment and celebration of all people and the Earth.


Food system: includes the processes and infrastructure involved in feeding a population: growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related items.

Foodshed: a geographic region in which there is a flow of food from where it is grown to a place where it is consumed. 

Sustainable agriculture: defined by U.S. Code Title 7, Section 310 as “an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that over the long-term will: satisfy human food and fiber needs, enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends, make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls, sustain the economic viability, and enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.”



A community-based food system celebrates cultures and place and is strengthened by dialogue and collective decision making.


An equitable food system centers peoples’ dignity, provides fair compensation for labor, and meets the social and physical needs of all people addressing historic and institutional barriers informed by race, class, disability, gender and other identities.


A resilient food system actively supports a thriving, sustainable environment, facilitates diverse systems, and adapts to meet emerging needs.

Goal 1: Support community connections in the food system 


Objective 1.1: Build relationships between the council and food system stakeholders to understand community needs


Strategy: Build relationships across Johnson County

Tactic - Identify and reach out to community stakeholders in rural areas, villages, and cities

Strategy: Provide opportunities for stakeholders (growers, processors, business owners) to provide input and connect and collaborate with the council and each other

Tactic - Host annual public forum with space for community discussion

Tactic - Host annual event centered on food justice with space for networking

Tactic - Explore creation of awards honoring community member contributions to the food system

Strategy: Build relationships with food system and farm workers 

Tactic - Recruit a food system service worker and/or farm laborer to the council


Objective 1.2: Strengthen relationships between members of the council as well as the staff liaisons, board liaison, and Board of Supervisors


Strategy: Support active working groups

Tactic - Ask every member to participate in a working group

Tactic - Present working group updates at council meetings

Tactic - Appoint working group chairs

Strategy: Facilitate opportunities for members to connect

Tactic - Icebreakers during introductions

Tactic - Opportunities to connect one on one or in small groups

Strategy: Support projects of the Local Foods Coordinator

Tactic - Provide recommendations or feedback

Tactic - Bring ideas for engagement and relevant conversations

Strategy: Communicate regularly with the Johnson County Board of Supervisors

Tactic - Present updates at a work session

Tactic - Staff liaisons meet monthly with Board liaison 


Goal 2: Create and share transformational narratives to shape the food system 


Objective 2.1: Increase community awareness of the Johnson County Food Policy Council vision, goals, and activities 


Strategy: Create and share out media about the council

Tactic - Share out 1 post via social media Johnson County each month

Tactic - Annual report on council activities

Tactic - Share out at least one guest column in county newspapers each year

Tactic - Share an introduction about the council & members

Strategy: Make monthly meetings more accessible to the public

Tactic - Hold two meetings a year outside of Iowa City 

Strategy: Represent Food Policy Council at public events

Tactic - Update tabling materials each year

Tactic - Represent the FPC at 3 public outreach events each year


Objective 2.2: Pursue educational opportunities to stay informed as council members representing the Johnson County community 


Strategy: Build education into internal meetings and communications

Tactic - Host guest speakers that represent geographic and demographic diversity 

Tactic - Share educational resources among council members

Strategy: Stay informed on relevant local, state, and federal policy happenings

Tactic - Receive notice of potential changes to the JC Unified Development Ordinance, JC Comprehensive Plan, and other policies through updates from BOS liaison 

Tactic - Designate liaisons for regional and statewide food system coalitions and policy groups

Tactic - Liaisons provide regional, state, and federal policy updates at council meetings


Objective 2.3: Increase intersectional understanding of racial and social equity in food systems


Strategy: Utilize the FPC Racial and Social Equity Tool to inform the development of policies and programs, event planning, and the improvement of processes


Strategy: Host at the least one Food Justice centered community conversation 


Strategy: Build relationships with groups leading intersectional work including racial equity centered work (i.e. hunger relief, affordable housing, living wage, and accessible transportation advocates and stakeholders)


Strategy: Understand impacts of disabilities on food system participation 

Tactic - Connect with JC Historic Poor Farm Disability Advisory Committee

Strategy: Investigate opportunities for building relationships and partnerships with Native American/American Indian communities

Tactic - Learn about local work and identify community organizations and leaders who support Native American/American Indian communities


Objective 2.4: Use research and community data collection to guide the council's work and provide evidence-based recommendations


Strategy: Integrate data collection into decision making

Tactic - Establish research scan, focus groups, surveys, interviews as ways to collect quantitative and qualitative data

Tactic - Use data collected from the Community Food and Farm Grant process to improve future grant cycles

Strategy: Develop a set of indicator metrics for community-based food systems

Tactic - Research data available for racial/social justice metrics intersectional with food systems

Tactic - Reach out to community partners such as the University of Iowa departments, JC Public Health, and Common Good Iowa

Strategy: Integrate new ideas from the community into Food Policy Council work 

Tactic - Create reports on annual public forums

Tactic - Review FPC Strategic Plan annually for updates


Goal 3: Identify and advocate for inclusive, community-led policy solutions and public investment opportunities 


Objective 3.1: Strengthen the infrastructure for our community-based food system 


Strategy: Explore opportunities for shared space and collaborative business connections for both growers and processors

Tactic - Assess food storage space for accessibility and size

Tactic - Reassess processing needs with Iowa Kitchen Connect

Tactic - Evaluate community locations for potential shared space

Strategy: Support investment in processing and aggregation infrastructure that will expand local food access

Tactic - Advocate for continued financial investment in food hubs and commercial kitchens as driver for economic and community development


Objective 3.2: Remove barriers and create opportunities for community-based farmers and food system entrepreneurs


Strategy: Support increasing capacity for local, small-scale animal raising and processing

Tactic - Research statewide for creative, safe, sustainable solutions

Tactic - Work with local processors to identify barriers

Tactic - Follow state task force for Butchery Innovation and Revitalization Bill to explore issues related to the lack of meat processing labor force

Strategy: Increase land access for community-based farmers

Tactic - Provide input for the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm

Tactic - Strengthen connections with land owners and land seekers

Tactic - Develop a racial equity lens for land accessibility

Strategy: Design Community Food and Farm Grant to fund opportunities that meet the needs of and strengthen food and farm businesses


Strategy: Support local food procurement among institutions, schools, and food businesses

Tactic - Identify and share out resources, best practices, and funding opportunities for small food businesses

Tactic - Identify examples of procurement policies that could be set by institutions such as purchasing goals/commitments, Requests for Proposals (RFPs), job descriptions

Tactic - Advocate for the adoption of procurement policies to public institutions and nonprofits to purchase more locally grown food for distribution 


Objective 3.4: Expand accessibility of starting and expanding value-added food entrepreneurial businesses


Strategy: Support networks and resource sharing for value-added and processed food entrepreneurs and commercial kitchens

Tactic - Explore collaborating with value-added business support organizations to host a networking event or group (i.e. ICAD, Think Iowa City, E5M, Diversity Market)

Tactic - Identify stakeholders in rural areas

Strategy: Explore opportunities to increase access to food license and food safety resources/information with JC Public Health

Tactic - Make recommendations to translate resources into multiple languages

Tactic - Meet with JC DEI Coordinator to explore translation options at the County 

Strategy: Work with E5M, CWJ, and JCPH to explore possibilities for multilingual workshops to educate entrepreneurs on food license applications and food safety regulations and procedures 

Tactic - Meet with leaders from each organization