Historical interpretive services for the proposed Dr. Lulu Merle Johnson exhibit

The Johnson County Board of Supervisors seeks a professional historian with experience in research, public history and historical interpretation to consult on a planned exhibit celebrating the Johnson County eponym, Dr. Lulu Merle Johnson.

The Johnson County Board of Supervisors voted on June 24, 2021, to recognize Dr. Lulu Merle Johnson as the official eponym of Johnson County. This decision was in response to the social justice movements of 2020 and identified an eponym that better embodies Johnson County’s values, ideals and morals.

Johnson County Decategorization Program funding

The Johnson County Decategorization Program announces vacancies on the Decategorization Governance Board. Vacancies exist for persons with lived experience with the child welfare system and those representing faith communities, mental health, research, community organizing, and the community-at-large. Individuals living in rural Johnson County, persons of color, and English Language Learners are encouraged to apply.

Johnson County Decategorization Program vacancy

The Johnson County Decategorization Program announces vacancies on the Decategorization Governance Board. Vacancies exist for persons with lived experience with the child welfare system and those representing faith communities, mental health, research, community organizing, and the community-at-large. Individuals living in rural Johnson County, persons of color, and English Language Learners are encouraged to apply.