March 4, 2025 Special Election Results
Voter Registration
- Voter registration
In order to register to vote in Johnson County, you must be:
- A U.S. citizen;
- An Iowa resident; and
- At least 17 years old. You must be 18 years old to vote in most elections. If you will be 18 years old by the date of a general election, you may vote in the preceding primary election.
- Register to vote online
You must have a valid Iowa driver's license or non-operator ID to register online. Voters who do not have an Iowa license or ID must complete a paper form instead.
Note: If you are moving, please wait until you are in your new home and receiving mail before you update your registration.Update Your Registration Online
How to register to vote online (video) - Register by mail
Print a voter registration form and return it by mail or in person to our office. If you can't print a form, call our office at 319-356-6004 and we will mail one to you.
Note: If you are moving, please wait until you are in your new home and receiving mail before you update your registration.Be sure to complete all required sections of the registration. If you live in an apartment, fill in the apartment number. Voter registrations sent in by paper must contain your original pen and ink signature and cannot be faxed, scanned, or e-mailed.
Registrations can be sent to:
Johnson County Auditor's Office
913 S. Dubuque St, Suite 101
Iowa City IA 52240
Paper Registration Forms (video)
- Register in person
You can register at the Johnson County Auditor's Office during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. If you have questions, we can help you at our office.
- Register on Election Day
It is easier to vote if you register in advance. However, it is possible to register on Election Day or after the pre-registration deadline (15 days before election day) using the Election Day Registration procedure. This requires ID and proof of address.
Election Day Registration (video) - Updating your registration
You will need to update your registration whenever you move, change your name, or change your political affiliation. Use the links above to update your registration online, or to print a Voter Registration Form.
The voter registration deadline is 15 days before any election. The safest thing to do is to update your registration as soon as you move. (We cannot accept address changes before you move; you need to wait until you move in and can get mail at your new address.)
You can still make changes within the county after the deadline. You can also register after the deadline using Election Day Registration procedures.
If you move to another county in Iowa, you should register in your new county and their Auditor's Office will update your record in the statewide voter system.
If you move out of Iowa, you are not required to cancel your registration in Johnson County. However, other jurisdictions may have rules about being registered in two places. We encourage you to complete the Voter Registration Cancellation Form and return it to our office. We can't accept cancellation requests by phone or email - the law requires a paper document with a signature. - College student voters
College students have a choice to register to vote at their home address or at their school address.
Voting From Your School Address:
Students attending college in Johnson County may register with their school address. If you reside in a dorm, please include the dorm name and room number (we don't need the street address for dorms). In the "Where You Receive Mail" portion, do not list your home address if you are intending to vote in Johnson County under your school address. If you live in an apartment, please remember to include your apartment number.
Voting From Your Permanent or Home Address:
If students choose to register or remain registered at their home address, they will have to vote in that county or vote by absentee ballot.
- Check your voter registration status
Check your registration status on the Iowa Secretary of State's website.
- Voting rights restoration
Voting rights restoration information is available on the Iowa Governor's website.
Election Information
- Polling Places, Precincts and Sample Ballots
Polling Place Lookup (Interactive Map) Enter your address to find your polling place. Sample ballots will be available before each election.
Polling Places and Precincts (List) Includes city maps, individual precinct maps, and background on the 2021 reprecincting process.
- Early voting
- Voting by mail
Iowa Absentee Ballot Request Form Voters cannot request ballots until 70 days before an election. We are currently only accepting requests for the May 13 Hills special election. The first day to request ballots for the November 4 city and school election is August 26.
(Overseas and military voters should use the FPCA form instead.)Ballots may not be mailed to domestic voters until 20 days before an election. Iowa does not have permanent absentee status, so you must submit a new request form for each election in which you want to vote by mail. The deadline is 15 days before the election.
Steps to vote by mail:
Print and complete an Absentee Ballot Request Form If you can't print, you can pick up a form, or you can call our office and we can mail you a form.
Mail or hand deliver your request to our office (we need the hard copy paper form):
Johnson County Auditor
913 S Dubuque St, Suite 101
Iowa City, IA 52240
Anyone may deliver a request form for another voter. -
Your ballot will be mailed to you. (Even if you hand deliver your form, we must mail your ballot.)
Your ballot must be returned to our office by the time the polls close on Election Day. Ballots postmarked before Election Day which reach our office after Election Day will not count (except for overseas and military voters).
- Voting at the Auditor's Office
Voters can vote early in person at the Johnson County Auditor's office before any election, through the day before Election Day. Ballots must be voted in the office, you cannot take a ballot home with you.
The first day early voting is allowed is 20 days before an election. Ballots must be ready 20 days before general elections and partisan primary elections. For other elections, voting may begin at a later date.
On Election Day there is no in-person absentee voting at our office, and voters must go to their polling place. - Satellite voting
Under a recent change in state law, auditors may no longer schedule satellite sites on their own, and sites must be petitioned by the public. Schedules will be posted before each election.
- Overseas and military voters
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) extends federal absentee voting rights to Service members, their eligible family members, and overseas citizens. There are special rules for requesting an absentee ballot for these voters. We encourage you to call our office or email [email protected] with questions about this program.
Federal Voting Assistance Program site
FPCA Form - Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program
The Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program is administered by the Iowa Secretary of State.
- Upcoming elections
For most Johnson County voters, the next scheduled election is the November 4, 2025 city and school election.
May 13, 2025: Hills City Council Special Election
Additional special elections may be scheduled.
- Past elections
Recent elections:
- March 4, 2025: Iowa City District C and Swisher Sales Tax
- February 4, 2025 Iowa CIty District C Primary
- November 5, 2024 General Election
Voter Resources
- Precinct Election Officials
- Elected officials directory
- Voter lists
The Johnson County Auditor's Office can produce electronic voter lists for Johnson County or for any state legislative or school district which includes part of Johnson County. Congressional district and statewide lists may be ordered from the Secretary of State.
NOTE: Voter data is made available for political purposes only. Use of voter registration information for commercial purposes, such as debt collection or sales, or for any purpose other than those allowed by law is a serious misdemeanor. (Code of Iowa, Section 48A.39) Persons purchasing lists must specify their political purpose (for example, the name of a campaign or political organization). All list requests are kept on public file.
There is a minimum $10.00 charge for any voter list. Any list with less than 20,000 records will be the $10.00 minimum. For larger lists, the rate is $1.00 per 2,000 records. The voter file is constantly being updated, and actual costs are calculated at the time the list is prepared. A list of all active registered voters in the county usually cost between $45 and $50.
Voters may request copies of their own voter record at no charge, but still need to complete the Voter Registration Record Request Form.
Cash or check made payable to Johnson County Auditor's Office is due at the time the list is requested. (Unfortunately, we do not accept credit cards at this time).
For more information, contact our office.
If you are unable to find the information you need in these pages, do not hesitate to email [email protected] or call (319) 356-6004.