Accounts Payable Claims

Accounts payable claims to department heads for $300 or more are required to be pre-approved by a member of the Board of Supervisors. It shall be the responsibility of the department head or their designee to obtain a Board member's authorizing signature on the claim prior to submitting the claim to the Auditor's Office within established deadlines.

Out-of-State and Overnight Travel Reimbursement Requests

All department head out-of-state and overnight travel must be pre-approved by a member of the Board of Supervisors. After return from travel, the Travel Reimbursement Request form must also be signed by a Board of Supervisor member for payment processing.


Payroll payments to department heads exceeding the department head's standard biweekly hours, excluding retroactive pay approved by Payroll Authorization, are required to be pre-approved by a member of the Board of Supervisors. It shall be the responsibility of the department head or their designee to obtain a Board member's authorizing signature on the department's biweekly pay sheets prior to submitting the pay sheets to the Auditor's Office within established deadlines.


Department heads with separate boards or commissions would obtain approval from a member of their governing board or Board of Supervisors as designated by that governing board.