Adopted by the Board of Supervisors on June 30, 2022.

All employees of Johnson County whose job descriptions requires on call response to emergency situations shall, during the period of their employment, reside either:

  1. In Johnson County, or
  2. Within a twenty-five (25) mile radius of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office at 511 South Capitol Street.

The Human Resources Department shall keep a list of positions covered by this policy. Employees must be in compliance with the residency policy by the end of their probationary period.

For purposes of this policy, "residence" shall be defined as the employee's fixed and permanent home. The employee must manifest a genuine intent to reside within the required area by establishing an ongoing physical presence. This will be determined by the totality of circumstances, including where the employee sleeps, pays taxes, is registered to vote, sends children to school, and any other factors considered relevant.

This policy shall become effective on July 1, 2022. Current employees of Johnson County who are covered by the policy but who, as of May 1, 2010, do not reside within the required area, are exempted from the policy so long as they remain in the same residence and continue employment in the same position. The policy will also apply to employees who are currently not covered but who subsequently accept a covered position.