Weather permitting, construction will begin on F46 (American Legion Road SE), between Taft Avenue SE and Highway 6, on Monday, April 29, 2024. This location is in eastern Johnson County, outside of Iowa City.
Weather permitting, closure on West Penn Street is expected to begin the week of April 15. Penn Street will be closed to all traffic during phase two of West Penn Street just east of the James Avenue intersection to Herky Drive. Travelers should use the posted detour route.
Weather permitting, road reconstruction is expected to begin the week of April 1, 2024, on 540th Street in Sharon Township. 540th Street will be closed to through traffic from 400 feet east of Highway 1 to and including the Gable Avenue intersection.
Weather permitting, Lower West Branch Road over I-80 will be closed beginning Wednesday, Feb. 28 until the year 2026. The project involves a new bridge for the Lower West Branch Road overpass as part of the I-80 widening project between Iowa City and West Branch.
Weather permitting, bridge replacement will begin the week of February 19, 2024, on F20 (Amana Road NW) over Swisher Creek in Section 21, Township 81 North, Range 07 West, Jefferson Township, Iowa.
Johnson County is pleased to announce that Cosgrove Road SW at the bridge over North Branch Old Man’s Creek is OPEN to traffic.
Minor off-road work will continue, so use caution during travel.
Johnson County is pleased to announce that F44 (Herbert Hoover Highway NE in Johnson County and Main Street in West Branch) at its intersection with Johnson Cedar Road will be OPEN to traffic at 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 21, 2023.
Due to the RAGBRAI route on Melrose Avenue West and traffic concerns, Johnson County Secondary Roads Department at 4810 Melrose Avenue in Iowa City will be closed on Friday, July 28, 2023.
Weather permitting, the James Avenue SW bridge over an unnamed branch of Picayune Creek, will be closed to traffic starting Monday, April 24, 2023. This location is in southwestern Johnson County.
Weather permitting, closure of Herbert Hoover Highway NE/F44 in Johnson County and Main Street in West Branch at its intersection with Johnson Cedar Road will begin on Monday, April 3, 2023.
Weather permitting, F20 (Amana Road NW), between Falcon Ave NW and Cou Falls Road NW, will be closed to traffic starting Monday, April 3, 2023. This location is in northwestern Johnson County. Work includes grading, macadam stone base, and granular surface.