- Service: $30
- Service Subpoena: $35
- Service Interrogatory: $30
- Execution: $30
- Mileage: Federal Mileage Rate
- Copy Fees $.50/page
- Writ of Possession: $30
- Diligent Service Fee: $30
- Notice of Garnishment: $30
- Bill of Sale: $30
- Deed: $50
- Certificate of Purchase: $50
- Sale Posting: $10/each
- Condemnation: $200
- Modification of Execution: $10
- Certified Mailing: Actual cost
- Service of Writ: $30
- Citation: $30
- Notice: $30
- Original Notice: $30
- Officer Time: $25/hour (1 hour minimum)
Advanced fees for service $60
Effective July 1, 2020 Advanced Fees of $400.00 will be required for Sheriff Sales
Note: This list represents the most commonly occurring services and is not all inclusive.
Each process may include one or more category of fees.
If you have questions about service costs please call the Civil Division at 319-356-6030 x 4
Effective 07/01/2020