Office Information

Office organizational structure

Office History

Annual Reports

Sheriff's Office Contacts


Sheriff Brad Kunkel: [email protected] 
Chief Deputy Lamm: [email protected]

Office Administrator Susie McAreavy: [email protected]

Public Information Officer Kristen Silver: [email protected]


Lieutenant Broll: [email protected]
Deputy Downes: [email protected]
Deputy Kahler: [email protected]
Deputy Werner: [email protected]

Courthouse Security

Deputy Garmoe: [email protected]
Deputy Schuerer: [email protected]
Deputy Smith: [email protected]
Deputy Snow: [email protected]


J. Rockafellow - E911 Coordinator: [email protected]


Lieutenant Rudish: [email protected]
Sergeant Gingerich: [email protected]
Sergeant Lord: [email protected]
Sergeant Richmond: [email protected]
Sergeant Schneider: [email protected]
Sergeant Schuerer: [email protected]
Deputy Riddle: [email protected]


Captain Good - Jail Administrator/PREA Coordinator: [email protected]
Lieutenant Moses: [email protected]
Lieutenant Nash: [email protected]
Sergeant Bolen: [email protected]
Sergeant Hammes: [email protected]
Sergeant Lacina: [email protected]
Sergeant Loux: [email protected]
Sergeant Rice: [email protected]
Sergeant Stafford: [email protected]

Deputy Benzing: [email protected]
Deputy Campbell: [email protected]
Deputy Cassell: [email protected]
Deputy Feeley: [email protected]
Deputy Griffith: [email protected]
Deputy Hanna: [email protected]
Deputy Joyce: [email protected]
Deputy Kempema: [email protected]
Deputy Madole: [email protected]
Deputy Mascher: [email protected]
Deputy Mertens: [email protected]
Deputy Muhlbach:  [email protected]
Deputy Niffen: [email protected]
Deputy Quiles: [email protected]
Deputy Sammons: [email protected]
Deputy Seymour: [email protected]
Deputy Stanerson: [email protected]
Deputy TeBockhorst: [email protected]
Deputy Voyles: [email protected]


Captain Hendricks - Patrol Commander: [email protected]
Lieutenant Wisman: [email protected]
Sergeant Hoffman: [email protected]
Sergeant Hons: [email protected]
Sergeant Hynes: [email protected]
Sergeant Stimmel: [email protected]
Sergeant Williams: [email protected]

Deputy Brooks: [email protected]
Deputy Campbell: [email protected]
Deputy Carlson: [email protected]
Deputy Coleman: [email protected]
Deputy Espinoza: [email protected]
Deputy Fredrickson: [email protected]
Deputy Gleason: [email protected]
Deputy Jiras: [email protected]
Deputy Lenz: [email protected]
Deputy Lorenzen: [email protected]
Deputy Mercer: [email protected]
Deputy Montz: [email protected]
Deputy Moore: [email protected]
Deputy Moore: [email protected]
Deputy Moses: [email protected]
Deputy Mulligan: [email protected]
Deputy Noble:  [email protected]
Deputy O'Hare: [email protected]
Deputy Pearson: [email protected]
Deputy Reece: [email protected]
Deputy Smith: [email protected]
Deputy Starr: [email protected]
Deputy Swartzendruber: [email protected]
Deputy Sweeney: [email protected]
Deputy Watkinson: [email protected]
Deputy York: [email protected]
Deputy S Zimmer: [email protected]
Deputy T Zimmer: [email protected]

Sheriff's Reserve

Reserve Deputy Gersten: [email protected]


Lieutenant Marlowe: [email protected]
F. Yochem: [email protected]

Weapon Permits / Sex Offenders

Lieutenant Marlowe:

Mission Statement

The Sheriff is the county's principal peace officer for the unincorporated areas who is elected every four years. The mission of the Sheriff's Office is to provide citizens with the highest level of law enforcement in a fair and equitable manner. It is our hope that the members of our community will trust us to respond with respect and compassion in their time of need. It is our goal to work proactively with our citizens to keep Johnson County a safe place to live and work.