Johnson County Case Management Advisory Board vacancies

The Johnson County Board of Supervisors announces four vacancies on the County Case Management Advisory Board. The vacancies are for three-year terms beginning July 1, 2023 and expiring June 30, 2026.

Persons interested in serving on the County Case Management Advisory Board must meet one of the following criteria:

Health Department shares Community Health Status Assessment Results

Join Johnson County Public Health in two community sessions to review the health data collected last fall. Health departments across the state are required to assess health concerns, prioritize efforts and resources, and foster the creation of a collaborative improvement plan for the community every five years. The Community Health Status Assessment is part of a larger community health assessment strategy called HealthyJoCo.

Johnson County Livable Community for Successful Aging Policy Board vacancies

The Johnson County Board of Supervisors announces four vacancies on the Livable Community for Successful Aging Policy Board for three-year terms beginning upon appointment and expiring June 30, 2026. Two vacancies are for individuals affiliated with an aging/livable organization and two vacancies are for residents of Johnson County.