Strategic Plan 2024-2028
All of those who live, work, learn, or play in Johnson County should be assured that the efforts put forth by the Health Department are done through a lens of Health Equity. Thus, the first priority focuses on educating staff to ensure a solid and constantly progressing foundation in Health Equity culture is constructed through trainings and strengthening community networks. Next, Johnson County Public Health will work to increase Community Engagement through improved use of outreach and engagement metrics along with a greater emphasis on receiving feedback from and providing updates to the community served. Thirdly, to consistently provide excellent service to the community Johnson County Public Health will look internally to Organizational Improvement goals to train, retain, and support a diverse workforce. Johnson County Public Health will look to maximize resources, utilize data, systems, and tools effectively along with improving internal policies and procedures through the fourth priority – Operational Excellence. Finally, Johnson County Public Health will emphasize the importance of not only the purpose of the Community Health Assessment and Health Improvement Plan but also the progress reported by the HealthyJoCo team. Johnson County Public Health anticipates making progress on all of the goals and objectives listed in the above priorities through purposeful action steps laid out in the plan to have a positive impact both internally and for those in the communities served.
Strategic Priorities
Strategic Priority 1: Health Equity
- Goal #1: Ensure new Employees are given a foundation of Health Equity culture at JCPH.
- By the end of each calendar year, 90% of new hires will have the online Building Health Equity training series completed.
Action Steps:
- Hiring manager to enroll new hire into NEOGOV learning plan.
- Manager follow-up with new hire upon notification of incomplete training series (if necessary).
- Goal #2: Identify Johnson County Groups that work with at-risk and/or underrepresented populations.
- By 6/1/25, compile a comprehensive list (i.e. LGBTQ, BIPOC, etc.), of groups that the department interacts with on a regular basis.
Action Steps:
- Introduce project parameters at monthly all-staff meeting in first quarter of 2024.
- Receive feedback from staff during this time to build out what information will be collected.
- Work with Johnson County IT (or third-party vendor) on viability of creating a database directory.
- Fall 2025 in-person All-Staff retreat introduce "database" to department.
- Goal #3: Build or join existing community network for the purposes of information sharing and collecting feedback
- By 12/31/28, maintain sharing an update from at least 75% of community organizations and coalitions.
Action Steps:
- Quarterly, review the database directory to look for adjustments to list, as needed.
- Goal #4: Share presence at diverse community events.
- By end of each calendar year, JCPH employees will attend 12 community events.
Action Steps:
- Outreach & Engagement Coordinator to maintain Outlook calendar "Events & Tabling"
- Work on categorizing events (programmatic v. department-wide) to be posted in the "Events & Tabling" Outlook Calendar.
- Management encouragement of staff to attend events.
- Goal #5: Inform the public on Health Equity updates/milestones
- By 6/1/24, create and fill a new JCPH website tab dedicated to health equity.
Action Steps:
- Outreach & Engagement Coordinator to create additional content for page for Health Equity.
- Health Equity Workgroup to provide updates and additional resources for page.
Strategic Priority #2: Community Engagement
- Goal #1: Increase feedback from customers served through an improved Customer Satisfaction Survey.
- By 6/1/24, the department will reconstruct the Customer Satisfaction Survey and mode(s) of distribution.
- By 12/31/24, the department will implement and track responses via the updated Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- By 12/31/25, the department will see a 50% increase in survey submitted satisfaction surveys.
- And a subsequent increase of 10% year over year until 2028
Action Steps:
- Programs will evaluate the need for a more in-depth survey.
- Programs with highest customer interaction will decide to create an independent survey or branch from department survey.
- Selected programs will decide the most efficient distribution method(s).
- The new Customer Satisfaction Survey will be introduced to staff and promoted.
- Performance Management dashboard will track response rate of survey.
- The Performance Improvement Team will monitor monthly submissions via a key performance indicator.
- The Performance Improvement Team will work with the programs who have active surveys and work to promote survey and implement "pushes" as determined.
- Goal #2: Begin producing and promoting the "Healthy Dose" podcast to be available to the community.
- By 7/1/24, the "Healthy Dose" podcast will be created.
- By 12/31/24 ensure the podcast is available to the community on a scheduled basis with emerging or interesting topics affecting county residents.
- Prepare standardized structural elements:
- Set up computer programs for recording, editing, and distribution.
- Develop intro and outro verbiage and music.
- Develop training documents for staff.
- Set up staff orientation.
- Create list of topic ideas & schedule of podcast episodes
- Reserve social media handle (i.e. username) and general email for podcast.
- Embed podcast player into JCPH website
- Goal #3: Create a system to measure outreach and engagement based on trackable metrics for a program and department wide report.
- By 6/30/24, the Hootsuite social media report will be sent by the Outreach & Engagement Coordinator to divisions.
- By 6/30/24, a system for staff to measure the engagement of events will be created.
- By 12/31/24, all staff will be trained in how to measure engagement of events they attend.
Action Steps:
- Utilize available Hootsuite reports.
- Create or utilize existing Meta reports.
- Standardize practice of producing digital media analytics report within 15 days of campaign ending.
- A small project team will be assembled to create a short form to evaluate events and engagement.
- The project team will beta test the form.
- The project team will create and record a training so staff may utilize this for reference and could be incorporated into onboarding.
Strategic Priority #3: Organizational Improvement
- Goal #1: Build Workforce capacity
- By 12/31/24, assess opportunities to provide cross training to staff through use of an assessment survey for management.
- By 6/30/25, define and describe prioritized cross-training by task for 3 programs or functions per division.
- By 12/31/25, create a training plan for each task and compile in the Workforce Development Folder.
Action Steps:
- Create assessment for management.
- Analyze assessment and select 3 programs or functions per division to define.
- Based on the report, create a training plan for each function
- Goal #2: Strengthen and support workforce.
- By Fall 2024 All-Staff, create a values-based recognition program.
- By 12/31/24, at least two gaps found in the Workforce Development Assessment will have action plans created.
- By 12/31/24, propose to DEI Coordinator and other County entities to create ‘Affinity Groups’.
Action Steps:
- Determine name and description of parameters to achieve awards.
- Mission (1) and Vision (1) awards to be bestowed annually at fall all-staff.
- Values Award (1) presented quarterly at in-person All-Staff meetings.
- Roll out MVV Awards at Fall 2024 all-staff with follow-up email description of the recognition program.
- Statistical gaps found in the assessment 2023 data will be reviewed.
- Action plans to address those gaps will be created.
- Quarterly, the action plans will be monitored to ensure compliance.
- The Director will meet with the County’s DEI Coordinator to discuss logistics of creating ‘Affinity Groups’.
- Proposal will be made by Director at a future informal Department Head meeting for open discussion.
- Goal #3: Educate and inform County employees on services.
- Director will collaborate with other DH/EO to see interest in having their new hires participate in this activity.
- If interested, Director will collaborate with Human Resources to include process into a new hire's onboarding experience.
Action Step:
- By 12/31/28, JCPH will work with other county departments to find a method to introduce public health programs, services, and functions to all new county staff.
- Director will collaborate with other DH/EO to see interest in having their new hires participate in this activity.
- Goal #4: Support a diverse workforce
- By 12/31/24, JCPH will work with county Human Resources to improve how and where positions are posted and disseminated.
- By 12/31/28, JCPH will collaborate with Human Resources and DEI Coordinator to advance county-wide hiring and retention policies and practices.
Action Steps:
- Director and Health Management Team will have discussions on potential expansion of methods in which open positions are disseminated and written to increase awareness of career opportunities to allow for more diverse candidates.
- Director and Health Management Team will compile a list of potential policy and practice changes.
- Present list of policy and practice changes to Human Resources and DEI Coordinator for review.
Strategic Priority #4: Operational Excellence
- Goal #1: Utilize data, systems, and tools effectively
- By 12/31/24, Outreach & Engagement Coordinator will create Scribe account and complete a training program.
- By 3/1/25, Select ‘superuser(s)’ for departmental programs (i.e. Microsoft Suite, Qualtrics, and timekeeping system).
- By 7/1/25, 'superusers' from each division will be selected for programmatic level use (i.e. CHAMP, FOCUS, Iowa Connected).
- At 2025 Fall All-Staff meeting, notify staff of superuser(s) and outside vendor contact (if available).
Action Steps:
- Obtain Scribe Pro for department with Outreach & Engagement Coordinator to review standard operating procedures for familiarization of program.
- Director will select staff to become 'superusers' for department-level programs used by all staff.
- Outreach & Engagement Coordinator to set up Scribe accounts and train.
- Divisional Managers will select staff to become 'superusers' from programs that will benefit from Scribe usage.
- New 'superusers' to be given accounts and trained on Scribe.
- Staff will be provided overview of what programs were selected for this service and which 'superuser' is the contact.
- Goal #2: Maximize Resources
- By FY25 Grant year, 10% indirect surcharge per each funding source “de minimis".
- By 7/1/24, in-kind usage of students/interns/volunteers will be tracked by departmental staff.
- By 12/31/24, create and prepare a JCPH Shadow Day with sign-up process for high school, undergraduate, graduated, and degreed individuals to spend time and learn about our department and Public Health careers.
Action Steps:
- Ensure that all FY25 funding contracts, and moving forward, include 10% (or whatever the funding maximum is) indirect administrative fee.
- Re-initiate tracking of student and intern/volunteer hours to report on annual cost savings.
- Annually monitor tracking of hours.
- Determine components for JCPH Shadow Days
- Create a method for students to schedule themselves for a shadow date.
- Share dates and process with education partners.
- One Shadow Day scheduled per school semester.
- Goal #3: Build, improve, and sustain internal policies & procedures.
- By 12/31/24, create a Plan of Plans (i.e. a collection of the major departmental plans) for review dates and updates.
- By 7/1/25, standardize how staff are notified of updated and/or newly written processes or procedures.
- By 12/31/25, a formalized onboarding process for management level positions will be in place.
- By 12/31/25, create formalized onboarding new Board of Health members and Board of Supervisors Liaison(s).
Action Steps:
- Director, Health Management, and PHAB Domain Champions will perform an environmental scan of plans across the department.
- Identify staff who are 'project owners' of these plans.
- Select review dates either through requirement or balance feasibility.
- Create a process for how staff are notified of updated policies or procedures.
- Incorporate this knowledge into Onboarding.
- Director and Health Management Team will convene to tailor the current onboarding process to include more information specifically for management level positions.
- Director and Health Management Team will create a standardized process for onboarding new Board of Health members and Board of Supervisor Liaison(s).
Strategic Priority #5: HealthyJoCo
- Goal #1: Educate and inform the community on the purpose and progress of the Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan
- By June 30, 2024, The HealthyJoCo (HJC) team will maintain a web presence with quarterly updates for education, transparency, and information sharing with the community.
Action Steps:
- Establish cadence during meetings to discuss and finalize pertinent updates.
- Develop a policy and process to submit and edit website for updates and regular changes.
- Maintain web access to HealthyJoCo website.
- Goal #2: Educate and inform staff on the purpose and progress of the Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan
- By November 1, 2024, the HealthyJoCo (HJC) team will educate and inform staff each year on the health priorities of the county.
- Annually, at either All Staff Retreats, HJC team will provide updates on improvement planning and progress.
Action Steps:
- HJC team will create timeframe and activity with learning objectives.
- Community Health Manager will inform HJC team of All Staff agenda planning.
- HJC team will present updates at selected All Staff retreats.