The Private Well Grants (PWG) program is state funded through the Iowa Department of Health and Human Service and provides funds to County Boards of Supervisors to promote the protection of the groundwater supply. The program is available through the PWG program which was established in 1987 when legislature passed the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act to help prevent further contamination of one of Iowa’s most precious resources, our groundwater. This is accomplished by financially assisting homeowners in the testing, rehabilitation and proper plugging of private water supply wells. “Private water supply” means any water supply, meant for human consumption, which has fewer than 15 service connections.
If your well does not fall under the “Private Well” definition, you can reach out to the DNR Field Office at (319) 653-2135 for information on your well.
All well water should be periodically sampled. How often you test your well water varies by the age of the well, and whether you experience water discoloration, unusual smells, and/or suspect contamination. You may contact Johnson County Public Health or the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory to purchase sample bottles.
Free Water Testing
Johnson County Public Health provides free well water analysis to rural county residents. We encourage homeowners to have annual tests of their private water wells. To request free well water analysis, contact Johnson County Public Health at 319-356-6040.
Well Water Tests Include:
- Bacteria Coliform
- E.coli bacteria
- Arsenic and Manganese (every three years)
- Arsenic Speciation test available on request if total arsenic level exceeds maximum contaminate level
PFAS test may be provided dependent on well location. Contact our office for more information.
Water Treatment and Contamination Information Resources
Well Disinfection Instructions
Understanding Your Water Testing Report
Iowa Regulations for Residential Water Treatment
List of Certified Well Contractors
Private Well Grants
Well plugging and rehabilitation can be expensive. The Private Well Grants (PWG) program provides money to homeowners that qualify. The program is available through the PWG program which was established in 1987 when legislature passed the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act to help prevent further contamination of one of Iowa’s most precious resources, our groundwater.
*Programs are subject to the availability of state grant dollars.
- Grants of up to $700 to assist with the costs of plugging abandoned wells (Application)
- Grants of up to $400 to assist with the costs of plugging qualifying cisterns (Application)
- Grants of up to $2,000 to assist with the cost of reconstruction of private water wells (Application)
- Grants of up to $400 to assist with shock chlorination (Application)
- Grant of up to $600 to assist with well assessment (Application)